} /*(if( newList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c <= alertQuantity && List needsAnnouncement = new List(); } } new List(); ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput bodySegmentInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput(); bodySegmentInput.text = p.Name + ' ' + Constants.INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW; messageSegmentInput.add(bodySegmentInput); messageBodyInput.messageSegments = messageSegmentInput; announcement.parentId = COLLABORATION_GROUP.get(0).Id; announcement.expirationDate = System.today()+1; // ToDo: Construct a new AnnouncementInput for the Chatter Group so that it: // and has a text body that includes the name of the product followed by the INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW constant. ~16 hrs +6,500 points Superbadge * @description Constructs a list of Product2 records for unit tests ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput bodySegmentInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput(); list entries = ConstructPricebookEntries(prods); Superbadge: Advanced Apex Specialist Step 6. Superbadge at Trailhead: - Apex Specialist - Aura Component Specialist - Data Integration Specialist. /** * @name postAnnouncements * @name postAlerts ord.Status = Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS; ord.Pricebook2Id = Constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; * @description Constructs a list of OrderItem records for unit tests, public static list ConstructOrderItems(integer cnt, list pbes, list ords){, //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list of size cnt of OrderItem records, //  related to the provided Pricebook Entries, //  Hint: Use the DEFAULT_ROWS constant for Quantity as it will be used in the next challenge. If you been developing on the platform for some time, the challenge should be a breeze. Configure outbound application and integration security: 2. pd2.Name='Product-'+i; * @description Constructs a list of PricebookEntry records for unit tests )); new List(); Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge 4 - Facing Issue . }, /** You signed out in another tab or window. announcement.sendEmails = false; 2018-05-29 12:34:56. February. /** } Product2Helper.AfterUpdate((List)Trigger.new); //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a single Chatter CollaborationGroup contact con=new contact(); PricebookEntry entry=wrp.pricebookEntryRecord; entry.Pricebook2Id=constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; for (integer itr=0; itr COLLABORATION_GROUP = [, WHERE Name = :Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS, OR Name = :('TEST'+Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS), * @description called by product2 Trigger on After Update, public static void AfterUpdate(List newList){, //        public static void AfterUpdate(List newList, List oldList){. Hi, Please help me. System.enqueueJob(q); * @param List oldList // whose Name starts with 'TEST' followed by the INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS constant FROM CollaborationGroup announcement.parentId = COLLABORATION_GROUP.get(0).Id; } /** // ToDo: Construct a new AnnouncementInput for the Chatter Group so that it: } public String name {get;set;} bodySegmentInput.text = p.Name + ' ' + Constants.INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW; new Map(); new Map(); List inventorySettings = [SELECT Label, Low_Quantity_Alert__c FROM Inventory_Setting__mdt]; for(Inventory_Setting__mdt inventorySetting:inventorySettings){. * @name Last } else { 1. list orders=new list(); Name Email Website. Reload to refresh your session. pbe.isActive = true; apex specialist superbadge. messageBodyInput.messageSegments = messageSegmentInput; ( Data Integration Specialist Superbadge - Step 9 issue. oItem.OrderId = ords.get(i).Id; oldList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c > alertQuantity){ } public static void AfterUpdate(List newList, List oldList){ WHERE Quantity_Remaining__c>0 }, /** //ToDo: Ensure this method calls each of the construct methods PricebookEntry pbe = (PricebookEntry)obj; Superbadge Apex Specialist looks good on Resume, and they prove worth as well. } catch (Exception e) { , public without sharing class ChartHelper { UnitPrice=pbe.UnitPrice, Help with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4. /** return orders; //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list of size cnt of uniquely named Order records query += ' ORDER BY Name'; **/ } return products; productMap.put(orderLine.Product2Id, new Product2(Id =orderLine.Product2Id, Quantity_Ordered__c=0)); for(AggregateResult ag : [SELECT Sum(Quantity), Product2Id FROM OrderItem WHERE Product2Id IN : productMap.keySet() Group By Product2Id]){. pbe.UnitPrice = 100; public static list ConstructPricebookEntries(List prods){ For the Apex Specialist superbadge. Challenge 1: Automate record creation. } * @description * @description // and inserts the results for use as test data. Configure outbound application and integration security; Configure inbound integration security; Synchronize Salesforce data with external systems; Synchronize external system data with Salesforce; Test Apex REST and SOAP callout and service logic; Concepts … So you are thinking about getting your first Superbadge? resetSsc(); **/ ext.GetFamilyOptions(); SELECT Id FROM Product2 where Name LIKE :'Test Product%']; } Showcase your mastery of Lightning Web Components by building a sophisticated app. Earn Your Credential Earn the Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge and take the Platform Developer II proctored multiple-choice exam. /** * @name SelectFamily for (OrderItem oi : orderItemList) { ord.Name = 'Order'+i; Order ord=new Order(); Unlock a superbadge by completing the requisite badges. if ( Limits.getDMLStatements() < Limits.getLimitDMLStatements() && !test.isRunningTest() ){ standardSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(query)); public void execute(QueueableContext context){ PricebookEntry testEntry = new PricebookEntry(); /** ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput a = announcements.remove(0); messageSegmentInput.add(bodySegmentInput); //WHERE Name = 'group name' } // and has a text body that includes the name of the product followed by the INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW constant Map productMap = new Map(); for(OrderItem orderLine : [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Product2.Quantity_Ordered__c, Quantity, Order.ActivatedDate, FROM OrderItem WHERE OrderId IN : activatedOrderIds]){, if(!productMap.containsKey(orderLine.Product2Id)). I got the Apex Specialist Superbadge nailed. list orderItems=new list(); Quantity=0, asked Mar 4 '20 at 20:36. if (oi.Quantity > 0) { ac.Name = 'Account'+i; pieData.add(new chartHelper.ChartData(oi.Product2.Name, oi.Quantity * oi.UnitPrice)); * @name AnnouncementQueueable //public List productsToInsert {get;set;}, public List productsToInsert {get;set;}, public Product2Extension(ApexPages.StandardController controller){. } public static List entries; public static List orderItems; public static CollaborationGroup ConstructCollaborationGroup(){, //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a single Chatter CollaborationGroup, //    whose Name starts with 'TEST' followed by the INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS constant. * @name AnnouncementQueueable public List orderItemList {get;set;} public static list ConstructProducts(Integer cnt){ } Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product … Apex Specialist Superbadge Challenge 1. Product2 prod = productMap.get(product2Id); **/ * @description * @name Next trigger product2Trigger on Product2 ( //ToDo: Implement your own method to populate orderItemList **/ List messageSegmentInput = Set orderIds = new Set(); You are asked to help Round Hole and Square Peg to integrate their systems and pass data. list orderItems=new list(); public static void VerifyQuantityOrdered(Product2 originalProduct, Product2 updatedProduct, Integer qtyOrdered){. return standardSetController.getPageNumber(); Is Torbernite Dangerous, oItem.PriceBookEntryId = pbes.get(i).Id; PopulateOrderItems(); * @name COLLABORATION_GROUP In total, there are 4 Superbadges required to certify as a … Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit. * @name Previous } } Schedule synchronization using Apex code. list prods= ConstructProducts(cnt); apexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,productsToInsert.size()+' Inserted')); productsToInsert.clear();   //Do not remove. * @name CreateContacts if( newList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c <= alertQuantity ){ Please answer if you have entirely code based solution. * @description pd2.Initial_Inventory__c = 10; '; Tried creating another playground but … List orderItemsToDelete = new List(); This one covers all the different aspects of being a data integration specialist. } Prove your hands-on skills with real-world business scenarios that test your expertise across reports and dashboards, business administration, and security. System.debug('#### Exception Executed : '+e.getStackTraceString()); * @description } public static Order QueryOrderRecord(Id orderId){ while ( announcements.size() > 0 ){ “I’ve always loved learning with Trailhead! Put your click-not-code skills to work to build an app and unlock new functionality. I have been looking at the Advanced Apex Superbadge requirements, and Aura Components ... lightning-aura-components lightning-web-components aura trailhead superbadges. Link … It took me longer than 12 hours, but I completed the Apex Specialist Superbadge. } } ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput announcement = PopulateOrderItems(); if ( Limits.getDMLStatements() < Limits.getLimitDMLStatements() && !test.isRunningTest() ){ Requirements are straightforward. oi.OrderId = orderRecord.Id; Unlock a superbadge by completing the requisite badges. try { Apply your skills to real-world scenarios. 43 are for Admins. Build data connections and transformations to drive insights and AI-powered stories. ]; Product2Extension ext = new Product2Extension(stdcontroller); ~15 hrs +16,000 points Superbadge DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST. apex specialist superbadge. Id product2Id = (Id)ag.get('Product2Id'); Product2 prod = productMap.get(product2Id); prod.Quantity_Ordered__c = (Decimal)ag.get('expr0'); if(productMap.values() != null && productMap.values().size() > 0){. PricebookEntryId=pbe.Id, Data Integration Specialist [8 - 15 hrs] Its pre-requisite Modules: Apex Integration Services [2 hrs] Asynchronous Apex [1 hr 30 mins] API Basics [2 hrs] Lightning Flow [2 hrs 5 mins] Projects. entries[itr].Product2Id=products[itr].id; //If successful clear the list and display an informational message. orderItemsToDelete.add(oi); Subscribe for more content, if you want! for (SObject obj : standardSetController.getRecords()) { standardSetController.previous(); Profile; Settings; Questions; Answers; Ideas; Log Out Superbadges come in many different flavors and test a variety of skills. static List COLLABORATION_GROUP = [ It seems that Salesforce is going to bring the LWC Superbadge in upcoming months. Badge. * @description This method is provided for you to facilitate the Super Badge Name. * @description Trigger to notify staff of low levels of inventory Step 1. List inventorySettings = [SELECT Label, Low_Quantity_Alert__c FROM Inventory_Setting__mdt]; if ( newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS ){ //  and inserts the results for use as test data. Test integration logic using callout mocks; Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued; Create a new Trailhead Playground. Feb 20. data integration specialist superbadge trailhead pbe.PriceBook2Id = Constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; } } else { I am working on "Advanced Apex Specialist" Superbadge but I am not able to pass challenge 1 as it keeps on showing me that Select one label is not created. PriceBookEntry pbe=new PriceBookEntry(); dyna glo offset smoker recipes. Demonstrate your billing expertise with this Super Set that focuses on skills like order management, invoice generation and adjustment, payment collection, and financial reporting. // related to the provided Accounts insert contacts; } else { public class AnnouncementQueueable implements System.Queueable{ Step 1 — Go through the Apex Specialist Use-Case,Business Requirement And Schema Diagram of the Story Step 2 -Create a New Trail Head Playground so That there will not be any Problem while Going… Trailhead Data Integration Specialist Superbadge || Test Class is Failing. }, public static void PostAnnouncements(List announcements){ standardSetController.first(); List orderItemsToUpsert = new List(); public OrderExtension(ApexPages.StandardController standardController){ } else if (oi.Id != null) { return standardSetController.getHasPrevious(); upsert orderItemsToUpsert; }, trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update). //ToDo: Pass records to the postAlerts method In Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration, the final course of the Salesforce Fundamentals Specialization, learners will complete the Business Administration Specialist Superbadge as their main project. (Inventory_Setting__mdt)records.get(newList[i].Family); new AnnouncementQueueable(announcements); Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge 10. February. 0. Again, copying and pasting what is in this blog post will … **/ CollaborationType = 'Public', pieData = new List(); //ToDo: Implement logic to filter based on the selected product family, //ToDo: Implement logic to save the Order and populated OrderItems. /** Database.rollback(sp); 258 . orderItemList = new List(); Salesforce Trailblazer Community Community. List products = new List(); List entries = new List(); for (ProductWrapper wrp : productsToInsert){, if(wrp.productRecord  != null && wrp.pricebookEntryRecord != null){, if(wrp.productRecord.Name != null && wrp.productRecord.Family != null &&, wrp.productRecord.Family != Constants.SELECT_ONE && wrp.productRecord.Initial_Inventory__c != null &&, wrp.pricebookEntryRecord.UnitPrice != null){. Narrow your search to candidates with the skills needed to make an impact on day one. list conts=new list(); //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list, of size cnt, of uniquely named Contact records Superbadge Einstein Analytics Data Specialist Step 3 Error: can't find a filter on account name 20 answers Superbadge Einstein Analytics Data Specialist Step 3 Error: We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. 5500 . Test.stopTest(); public static CollaborationGroup ConstructCollaborationGroup(){ Challenge 1 Challenge 1 requires a fair amount of declarative admin work to get the objects and components in place to allow you to test in the UI (you could probably write the code without it but it’s important to test in the UI and in … You signed in with another tab or window. for(OrderItem orderLine : [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Product2.Quantity_Ordered__c, Quantity, Order.ActivatedDate } **/ * @name GetHasNext OrderHelper.AfterUpdate(Trigger.New, Trigger.Old); public without sharing class OrderHelper { } orderItemList.add(orderItemMap.get(pbe.Product2Id)); * @name product2Trigger Search This Blog Home; Visit the Sponsor; More… Einstein Analytics Data Preparation Specialist Superbadge - 4,5,6 March 08, 2019 Demonstrate your integration skills by synchronizing external data systems and Salesforce. WHERE Name = :Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS Configure Revenue Cloud tools to ensure accuracy, from quote to payment collection. if (null == pieData) { Ok, I have now been banging my head on the table for the last 2 hours, created a new org to go through this second step. Product2.Name, Product2.Family, Product2.Quantity_Remaining__c accounts.add(ac); **/ public Boolean GetHasNext(){     public static final String DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS = 'Draft'; public void Previous(){ testEntry.IsActive = true; System.debug('#### Exception Executed : '+e.getStackTraceString()); * @description This class is provided for you to facilitate the Super Badge, public List orderItemList {get;set;}, public List pieData {get;set;}. for (OrderItem oi : orderItemList) { **/ Salesforce Terminologies; Analytics in Salesforce; Data Management in Salesforce; Customization Concepts; Superbadges; Mocks and Quizzes; Contact Me! ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput a = announcements.remove(0); * @name OnFieldChange I recently had the fortunate opportunity to provide early testing and feedback for the latest Superbadge released by Salesforce's Trailhead. Seller's Disclosure Law, Kerry Wagner Obituary, Browning Mark Iv Rifle, 2 Samuel Study Questions, Steady State Economy, Venus In Uttara Bhadrapada Spouse, In Death: Unchained Siege Of Heaven Tips, Pig Hunting Captions, " /> } /*(if( newList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c <= alertQuantity && List needsAnnouncement = new List(); } } new List(); ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput bodySegmentInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput(); bodySegmentInput.text = p.Name + ' ' + Constants.INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW; messageSegmentInput.add(bodySegmentInput); messageBodyInput.messageSegments = messageSegmentInput; announcement.parentId = COLLABORATION_GROUP.get(0).Id; announcement.expirationDate = System.today()+1; // ToDo: Construct a new AnnouncementInput for the Chatter Group so that it: // and has a text body that includes the name of the product followed by the INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW constant. ~16 hrs +6,500 points Superbadge * @description Constructs a list of Product2 records for unit tests ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput bodySegmentInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput(); list entries = ConstructPricebookEntries(prods); Superbadge: Advanced Apex Specialist Step 6. Superbadge at Trailhead: - Apex Specialist - Aura Component Specialist - Data Integration Specialist. /** * @name postAnnouncements * @name postAlerts ord.Status = Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS; ord.Pricebook2Id = Constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; * @description Constructs a list of OrderItem records for unit tests, public static list ConstructOrderItems(integer cnt, list pbes, list ords){, //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list of size cnt of OrderItem records, //  related to the provided Pricebook Entries, //  Hint: Use the DEFAULT_ROWS constant for Quantity as it will be used in the next challenge. If you been developing on the platform for some time, the challenge should be a breeze. Configure outbound application and integration security: 2. pd2.Name='Product-'+i; * @description Constructs a list of PricebookEntry records for unit tests )); new List(); Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge 4 - Facing Issue . }, /** You signed out in another tab or window. announcement.sendEmails = false; 2018-05-29 12:34:56. February. /** } Product2Helper.AfterUpdate((List)Trigger.new); //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a single Chatter CollaborationGroup contact con=new contact(); PricebookEntry entry=wrp.pricebookEntryRecord; entry.Pricebook2Id=constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; for (integer itr=0; itr COLLABORATION_GROUP = [, WHERE Name = :Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS, OR Name = :('TEST'+Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS), * @description called by product2 Trigger on After Update, public static void AfterUpdate(List newList){, //        public static void AfterUpdate(List newList, List oldList){. Hi, Please help me. System.enqueueJob(q); * @param List oldList // whose Name starts with 'TEST' followed by the INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS constant FROM CollaborationGroup announcement.parentId = COLLABORATION_GROUP.get(0).Id; } /** // ToDo: Construct a new AnnouncementInput for the Chatter Group so that it: } public String name {get;set;} bodySegmentInput.text = p.Name + ' ' + Constants.INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW; new Map(); new Map(); List inventorySettings = [SELECT Label, Low_Quantity_Alert__c FROM Inventory_Setting__mdt]; for(Inventory_Setting__mdt inventorySetting:inventorySettings){. * @name Last } else { 1. list orders=new list(); Name Email Website. Reload to refresh your session. pbe.isActive = true; apex specialist superbadge. messageBodyInput.messageSegments = messageSegmentInput; ( Data Integration Specialist Superbadge - Step 9 issue. oItem.OrderId = ords.get(i).Id; oldList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c > alertQuantity){ } public static void AfterUpdate(List newList, List oldList){ WHERE Quantity_Remaining__c>0 }, /** //ToDo: Ensure this method calls each of the construct methods PricebookEntry pbe = (PricebookEntry)obj; Superbadge Apex Specialist looks good on Resume, and they prove worth as well. } catch (Exception e) { , public without sharing class ChartHelper { UnitPrice=pbe.UnitPrice, Help with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4. /** return orders; //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list of size cnt of uniquely named Order records query += ' ORDER BY Name'; **/ } return products; productMap.put(orderLine.Product2Id, new Product2(Id =orderLine.Product2Id, Quantity_Ordered__c=0)); for(AggregateResult ag : [SELECT Sum(Quantity), Product2Id FROM OrderItem WHERE Product2Id IN : productMap.keySet() Group By Product2Id]){. pbe.UnitPrice = 100; public static list ConstructPricebookEntries(List prods){ For the Apex Specialist superbadge. Challenge 1: Automate record creation. } * @description * @description // and inserts the results for use as test data. Configure outbound application and integration security; Configure inbound integration security; Synchronize Salesforce data with external systems; Synchronize external system data with Salesforce; Test Apex REST and SOAP callout and service logic; Concepts … So you are thinking about getting your first Superbadge? resetSsc(); **/ ext.GetFamilyOptions(); SELECT Id FROM Product2 where Name LIKE :'Test Product%']; } Showcase your mastery of Lightning Web Components by building a sophisticated app. Earn Your Credential Earn the Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge and take the Platform Developer II proctored multiple-choice exam. /** * @name SelectFamily for (OrderItem oi : orderItemList) { ord.Name = 'Order'+i; Order ord=new Order(); Unlock a superbadge by completing the requisite badges. if ( Limits.getDMLStatements() < Limits.getLimitDMLStatements() && !test.isRunningTest() ){ standardSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(query)); public void execute(QueueableContext context){ PricebookEntry testEntry = new PricebookEntry(); /** ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput a = announcements.remove(0); messageSegmentInput.add(bodySegmentInput); //WHERE Name = 'group name' } // and has a text body that includes the name of the product followed by the INVENTORY_LEVEL_LOW constant Map productMap = new Map(); for(OrderItem orderLine : [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Product2.Quantity_Ordered__c, Quantity, Order.ActivatedDate, FROM OrderItem WHERE OrderId IN : activatedOrderIds]){, if(!productMap.containsKey(orderLine.Product2Id)). I got the Apex Specialist Superbadge nailed. list orderItems=new list(); Quantity=0, asked Mar 4 '20 at 20:36. if (oi.Quantity > 0) { ac.Name = 'Account'+i; pieData.add(new chartHelper.ChartData(oi.Product2.Name, oi.Quantity * oi.UnitPrice)); * @name AnnouncementQueueable //public List productsToInsert {get;set;}, public List productsToInsert {get;set;}, public Product2Extension(ApexPages.StandardController controller){. } public static List entries; public static List orderItems; public static CollaborationGroup ConstructCollaborationGroup(){, //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a single Chatter CollaborationGroup, //    whose Name starts with 'TEST' followed by the INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS constant. * @name AnnouncementQueueable public List orderItemList {get;set;} public static list ConstructProducts(Integer cnt){ } Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product … Apex Specialist Superbadge Challenge 1. Product2 prod = productMap.get(product2Id); **/ * @description * @name Next trigger product2Trigger on Product2 ( //ToDo: Implement your own method to populate orderItemList **/ List messageSegmentInput = Set orderIds = new Set(); You are asked to help Round Hole and Square Peg to integrate their systems and pass data. list orderItems=new list(); public static void VerifyQuantityOrdered(Product2 originalProduct, Product2 updatedProduct, Integer qtyOrdered){. return standardSetController.getPageNumber(); Is Torbernite Dangerous, oItem.PriceBookEntryId = pbes.get(i).Id; PopulateOrderItems(); * @name COLLABORATION_GROUP In total, there are 4 Superbadges required to certify as a … Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit. * @name Previous } } Schedule synchronization using Apex code. list prods= ConstructProducts(cnt); apexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,productsToInsert.size()+' Inserted')); productsToInsert.clear();   //Do not remove. * @name CreateContacts if( newList[i].Quantity_Remaining__c <= alertQuantity ){ Please answer if you have entirely code based solution. * @description pd2.Initial_Inventory__c = 10; '; Tried creating another playground but … List orderItemsToDelete = new List(); This one covers all the different aspects of being a data integration specialist. } Prove your hands-on skills with real-world business scenarios that test your expertise across reports and dashboards, business administration, and security. System.debug('#### Exception Executed : '+e.getStackTraceString()); * @description } public static Order QueryOrderRecord(Id orderId){ while ( announcements.size() > 0 ){ “I’ve always loved learning with Trailhead! Put your click-not-code skills to work to build an app and unlock new functionality. I have been looking at the Advanced Apex Superbadge requirements, and Aura Components ... lightning-aura-components lightning-web-components aura trailhead superbadges. Link … It took me longer than 12 hours, but I completed the Apex Specialist Superbadge. } } ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput announcement = PopulateOrderItems(); if ( Limits.getDMLStatements() < Limits.getLimitDMLStatements() && !test.isRunningTest() ){ Requirements are straightforward. oi.OrderId = orderRecord.Id; Unlock a superbadge by completing the requisite badges. try { Apply your skills to real-world scenarios. 43 are for Admins. Build data connections and transformations to drive insights and AI-powered stories. ]; Product2Extension ext = new Product2Extension(stdcontroller); ~15 hrs +16,000 points Superbadge DATA INTEGRATION SPECIALIST. apex specialist superbadge. Id product2Id = (Id)ag.get('Product2Id'); Product2 prod = productMap.get(product2Id); prod.Quantity_Ordered__c = (Decimal)ag.get('expr0'); if(productMap.values() != null && productMap.values().size() > 0){. PricebookEntryId=pbe.Id, Data Integration Specialist [8 - 15 hrs] Its pre-requisite Modules: Apex Integration Services [2 hrs] Asynchronous Apex [1 hr 30 mins] API Basics [2 hrs] Lightning Flow [2 hrs 5 mins] Projects. entries[itr].Product2Id=products[itr].id; //If successful clear the list and display an informational message. orderItemsToDelete.add(oi); Subscribe for more content, if you want! for (SObject obj : standardSetController.getRecords()) { standardSetController.previous(); Profile; Settings; Questions; Answers; Ideas; Log Out Superbadges come in many different flavors and test a variety of skills. static List COLLABORATION_GROUP = [ It seems that Salesforce is going to bring the LWC Superbadge in upcoming months. Badge. * @description This method is provided for you to facilitate the Super Badge Name. * @description Trigger to notify staff of low levels of inventory Step 1. List inventorySettings = [SELECT Label, Low_Quantity_Alert__c FROM Inventory_Setting__mdt]; if ( newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS ){ //  and inserts the results for use as test data. Test integration logic using callout mocks; Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued; Create a new Trailhead Playground. Feb 20. data integration specialist superbadge trailhead pbe.PriceBook2Id = Constants.STANDARD_PRICEBOOK_ID; } } else { I am working on "Advanced Apex Specialist" Superbadge but I am not able to pass challenge 1 as it keeps on showing me that Select one label is not created. PriceBookEntry pbe=new PriceBookEntry(); dyna glo offset smoker recipes. Demonstrate your billing expertise with this Super Set that focuses on skills like order management, invoice generation and adjustment, payment collection, and financial reporting. // related to the provided Accounts insert contacts; } else { public class AnnouncementQueueable implements System.Queueable{ Step 1 — Go through the Apex Specialist Use-Case,Business Requirement And Schema Diagram of the Story Step 2 -Create a New Trail Head Playground so That there will not be any Problem while Going… Trailhead Data Integration Specialist Superbadge || Test Class is Failing. }, public static void PostAnnouncements(List announcements){ standardSetController.first(); List orderItemsToUpsert = new List(); public OrderExtension(ApexPages.StandardController standardController){ } else if (oi.Id != null) { return standardSetController.getHasPrevious(); upsert orderItemsToUpsert; }, trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update). //ToDo: Pass records to the postAlerts method In Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration, the final course of the Salesforce Fundamentals Specialization, learners will complete the Business Administration Specialist Superbadge as their main project. (Inventory_Setting__mdt)records.get(newList[i].Family); new AnnouncementQueueable(announcements); Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Challenge 10. February. 0. Again, copying and pasting what is in this blog post will … **/ CollaborationType = 'Public', pieData = new List(); //ToDo: Implement logic to filter based on the selected product family, //ToDo: Implement logic to save the Order and populated OrderItems. /** Database.rollback(sp); 258 . orderItemList = new List(); Salesforce Trailblazer Community Community. List products = new List(); List entries = new List(); for (ProductWrapper wrp : productsToInsert){, if(wrp.productRecord  != null && wrp.pricebookEntryRecord != null){, if(wrp.productRecord.Name != null && wrp.productRecord.Family != null &&, wrp.productRecord.Family != Constants.SELECT_ONE && wrp.productRecord.Initial_Inventory__c != null &&, wrp.pricebookEntryRecord.UnitPrice != null){. Narrow your search to candidates with the skills needed to make an impact on day one. list conts=new list(); //ToDo: Ensure this method returns a list, of size cnt, of uniquely named Contact records Superbadge Einstein Analytics Data Specialist Step 3 Error: can't find a filter on account name 20 answers Superbadge Einstein Analytics Data Specialist Step 3 Error: We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. 5500 . Test.stopTest(); public static CollaborationGroup ConstructCollaborationGroup(){ Challenge 1 Challenge 1 requires a fair amount of declarative admin work to get the objects and components in place to allow you to test in the UI (you could probably write the code without it but it’s important to test in the UI and in … You signed in with another tab or window. for(OrderItem orderLine : [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Product2.Quantity_Ordered__c, Quantity, Order.ActivatedDate } **/ * @name GetHasNext OrderHelper.AfterUpdate(Trigger.New, Trigger.Old); public without sharing class OrderHelper { } orderItemList.add(orderItemMap.get(pbe.Product2Id)); * @name product2Trigger Search This Blog Home; Visit the Sponsor; More… Einstein Analytics Data Preparation Specialist Superbadge - 4,5,6 March 08, 2019 Demonstrate your integration skills by synchronizing external data systems and Salesforce. WHERE Name = :Constants.INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS Configure Revenue Cloud tools to ensure accuracy, from quote to payment collection. if (null == pieData) { Ok, I have now been banging my head on the table for the last 2 hours, created a new org to go through this second step. Product2.Name, Product2.Family, Product2.Quantity_Remaining__c accounts.add(ac); **/ public Boolean GetHasNext(){     public static final String DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS = 'Draft'; public void Previous(){ testEntry.IsActive = true; System.debug('#### Exception Executed : '+e.getStackTraceString()); * @description This class is provided for you to facilitate the Super Badge, public List orderItemList {get;set;}, public List pieData {get;set;}. for (OrderItem oi : orderItemList) { **/ Salesforce Terminologies; Analytics in Salesforce; Data Management in Salesforce; Customization Concepts; Superbadges; Mocks and Quizzes; Contact Me! 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