The very idea of forcing people to vote seems, well, anti-democratic. Compulsory voting means that candidates have to address the needs of all the voters. If they were too lazy to vote in the first place, why should they go researching the issues now? At issue is what makes something American — and what makes liberty liberty. In a case where voting is made compulsory, all votes will be accounted for. Some people take the process of voting casually because they know even if they fail to vote, there are no consequences. Political stability will lead to a prosperous nation. People have their own reasons for advocating for and against voting. Authors: Bart Engelen. As a democracy, we should have the right to choose if we want to vote or not. When many people turn out to vote, they express their free will. Related Essays. Why Mandatory Voting Is a Bad Idea Freedom means the right to ignore the state and live peacefully. Please Support Us if you like our content! There are several strategies that campaign teams employ as a way of trying to make many people come out to vote. The cost can be very high. The 100 Most Significant Figures in History, Highlighting Is a Waste of Time: The Best and Worst Learning Techniques, Romney, Obama and the New Culture War over Fairness. They will avoid such excuses and proceed to vote if you can take the necessary steps and make them vote compulsory. Citizens should not be forced to vote. Many reforms could increase turnout, from same-day registration to voting on weekends. Reasons why voting should not be made compulsory include: It could be argued to be an abuse of freedom- the removal of the choice not to vote. Universal civic-duty voting in the U.S. would have major benefits for American democracy. For example, you need to try and allow people to practice their religion freely. For two years, 27 scholars and advocates studied mandatory voting. What’s more, it’s a partisan issue. It will lead to people voting for their sake to avoid the penalties that come with it. Voting. Citizens will be free to invest. Should Compulsory Voting Be Instituted As a Ruling Standard? Some people will choose not to vote, and they will have violated the law. They were about our liberty to govern and represent ourselves. Here's why the United States should become the 24th. Taking time out of my day to … For those that don’t have compulsory voting, the same is also true. Top Stories. But we can know with near certainty that voter turnout will be abysmal and that the results will be not so much a mandate as a skewed sampling of about half the electorate. To make several changes designed to institute universal civic duty voting. People will not have reasons to complain if they know they had the chance to vote, and they chose leaders who are good or bad. All that is stated is that the purpose is to institute a universal civic duty to vote. They do not understand that failure to vote will make few people make decisions on their behalf. Thus, especially when compulsory voting is evidently beneficial for democracy, why should it be condemned? Some candidates come up with strategies where they target people who are likely to come out and vote. Voting should be compulsory. By making voting compulsory, we are demonstrating the importance and value of every person’s vote in the British electorate. Leaders with many votes will feel they are a true representation of people. There are many arguments against mandatory voting; each reflects a lack of faith in democracy itself. Should voting be compulsory ? People will be afraid of fines if they fail to turn out and vote. For instance, if too many people refuse to vote, the outcome of the election may not be in line with the needs of the majority of the population since minor parties may be voted instead, which may not care about the preferences of the majority of locals.
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