And his son, of course, deserves the very best. Harry thought that he the perfect life. One they were going dark and joining Voldemort, they were powerful so I couldn't let that happen, I killed them using Voldemort's wand that I stole from him a week before. Доброго дня! Niether Remus or Sirius dies. I was taken from my friends and family to be a slave for the Malfoy's since Lucius had always been Voldemort's favorite. The son of James and Lily Potter. When Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Dumbledore, Snape, Draco, Lucius, Bellatrix, and Voldemort get stuck in the same roo A Soul-Mate's Kiss Chapter 6, a harry potter fanfic. Fanfiction. "Tom Marvolo Riddle and Severus Snape." The beating he was going to get would be worst then the rest, he knew it. Dumbledore said with another smile. He was not going to get rid of it for them. Voldemort thought to himself, raising his wand and with two words and a green light, James was dead. He was paying Molly, Arthur and Ginny as well? #harryxcharlie. slightly OOC Voldy/Harry. "Well for a number of reasons. "Wiping Severus' mind of his son was simple from there I manipulated him into doing the same to Tom. "Not yet," Harry said. And those people he called friends knew about it? Hermione asked, when she got a nod she continued. To Harry's right, Hermione asked, "Head back to the tower?" People end up frozen for days until a cure can be made! #darkharry Chapter 24 - Morning Talks and Storming Hogwart's. CreatureHarry! "So how things with Mr Potter?" He assumes that Harry is his son. Pairing/s: Voldemort/Harry. It starts off with a narration about how the Slytherins hate the Gryffindors for abusing the first Little (someone with a young mindset like an infant or toddler) to pop up in a long time, then goes on to the rescue, the Malfoy become Harry's parents, Voldemort ⦠I am a big fan of slash so except to find alot of different pairing in here, my favorite being DracoHarry. Ron yelled, causing Harry to be shocked. Hermione asked with a straight face. "Mate, the show's ovâ" The Goblet spit out a fourth piece of parchment. ©2021 Академічний камерний хор “Хрещатик”. Once Harry was madly in love with him, Voldemort would reveal his true identity, and those pathetic Gryffindors always followed there heart. Dumbledore said with a glint his eyes. Tomrry. Mate of Darkness. I stood there before Voldemort, my wand clutched to my side as he wore the sickest grin of all time "Harry Potter, is DEAD!" On day, he gets fed up being lied to and takes a peek; it reads "Tom Marvolo Riddle/Lord Voldemort." Новий телефільм про хор “Хрещатик” з відомою журналісткою каналу – Мананою Абашидзе, Малий зал НМАУ імені Тимошенка Олега Семеновича. If only the six dimension-travelling menaces that claim to be children of Lord Voldemort and his consort Harry Riddle née Potter werenât distracting him so much. Lord Voldemort walked up the stairs to follow the woman who had decided to hide in the child's nursery. said Ron, to Harry's left. "Can I asked a question?" Harry thought that his life was going great. Harry thought that he the perfect life. #fanfiction "What?" - A George and Fred Weasley Fanfiction WARNING : SMUT, CURSING, AND SENSITIVE TOPICSâ ï¸ - All characters and or used plot points from the books / movies belong to J.K. R... voldemort fanfiction It's Y/n L/n Riddle's second year at Hogwarts! Harry had been told that he was not allowed in any of the meetings of the Order, Dumbledore told him that it was because of the connection he had to Voldemort he would be able to see all of the plans they were making. Molly asked, Ginny gave a squeal. Everyone stopped talking. As in many other fandoms, romantic pairings are most commonly denoted by a slash, or virgule, separating the characters' names.For example, a story labeled as "Harry/Ginny" refers to a romantic or sexual work whose primary couple is Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.Typically, in a het pairing the male character's name comes first (e.g. Harry is pretty indifferent, surprisingly: he says he already has a girlfriend. This time she made sure to study her books even more! Disclaimer: Oooh⦠I forgot all about this. This made things difficult, because the Potter's were Light wizards and would try and keep him from his soul mate by whatever means necessary. Voldemort had risen again, ready to resume his war effort and continue his pursuit of Harry Potter. His mate, Tom Marvolo Riddle, was a very influential businessman who was extremely protective and possessive of his Neko. "Don't forget this money I am giving you two, Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley and Miss Weasley is coming from his accounts." Harry and Voldemort are lovers. This is a story of: Wolfstar is real and Harry has a twin named Alex. Harry was even more shocked. Harry could hear the footsteps coming up the stairs. He will sacrifice himself to get rid of Voldemort's soul within him, and then I can kill him. "Harry, that's my soulmate's name âbeautiful." ... Just a few days ago I decided to undergo a project. Looking for a good fic where harry joins voldemort for whatever reason. Stories where Harry, Draco, and or Severus are a vampire or veela. Harry's POV: Sitting at the Gryffindor table in between Ron and Hermione, when Hedwig flies in the great hall with a red envelope I gulp as it lands on my plate. He was stealing from him too? However one day Harry decided he had had enough of being lied to and snuck into the meeting using his invisibility cloak, those in the room never noticed he was there. Harry had snuck into one of the Order meetings and he learns he is being betrayed and us... #baddumbledorehermioneweasleys Ці музичні твори захищені авторським правом, тому ми турбуємось про їх правомірне використання. Convince Harry to kill himself and Dumbledore can take all of the credit? He is sent to Azkaban where he and his cell mate, Bellatrix Black, begin to discover Harryâs heritage and his potential power as they plot to escape. Lily and James Potter are not his real parents? Saved by Anri Botes. Harry gets sorted into Slytherin, becomes dark, or has a brother or sister that is TB:GWL. Chapter 1. However he was going to learn some horrible truths, ones that will break these ties forever. Voldemort needs an Heir, where does he look, the Potters. Також у нас можна замовити і купити ноти для творів, аранжування яких зроблене художнім керівником хору Павлом Струцем. Harry was shocked once more. "Yes it is, while it is illegal I can't see a problem with it not going through." But when Dracoâs world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. He had friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people who looked up to him. Dumbledore explained. Pregnant Harry Potter! Harry Potter has just escaped the clutches of Lord Voldemort. Останні музичні новинки від хору “Хрещатик” можна прослухати на Soundcloud, а також на нашому каналі YouTube. Harry Potter (6718) Tom Riddle | Voldemort (3400) Tom Riddle (3058) Hermione Granger (1853) Albus Dumbledore (1640) Ron Weasley (1596) Voldemort (Harry Potter) (1516) Draco Malfoy (1405) Severus Snape (1316) Sirius Black (944) Include Relationships Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (4725) Harry Potter/Voldemort (2498) Dumbledore stopped talking. Harry has to get over the fact that her soulmate is his archenemy. The Marauders Fanfiction Kiss Harry Potter How To Plan Humor Geeks Cheer A Kiss Two they weren't Harry's real parents, when they finally broke through my mind spells they were going right to his real family, I couldn't let that happen." I know you have explained it to us before, but I don't understand." Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid. "Is the marriage contract drawn up?" Fanfiction. But things get strange as whispers are heard and Harry seem to be the only one to understand what she means. Rated M.] Eclipse BY Mijan (#7) Draco swore revenge on Harry for Luciusâs imprisonment, and for once, he keeps his promise. Harry Finds out who his real Parents are. Harry Potter -since he was born- has been denied finding out his soulmate's name. Title: My Evil Veela Mate. A magic eclipse taking all magic away and trapping people in their current room for 48 hours occurs. The Wizarding World is ecstatic, Harry is more famous than ever (much to Snapeâs annoyance), and ⦠CreatureVoldemort! I remember reading an incomplete story about an abused Harry being saved by Voldemort and his Death Eaters a couple months back. Harry or Hermione go back to Tom Riddles or the Marauders time. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people to teach him things, but it was not all it seemed. MpregHarry! At the end of November Voldemort found out that his soul mate was Harry Potter. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. Since he can remember his parents have forced him to wear a bracelet on his wrist to cover the name. "Why did you kill Lily and James Potter? Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends. Harry is framed for the mass murder of Muggles after he deals Voldemort a stunning blow. And it's been sometime since I've read the HP books so I'm a bit rusty in this verse. Then I took Harry from them and gave him to Lily and James, some memory spells on them, Sirius and Remus made them think Harry was theirs. I know, cliche! Giving me the fame and money that I deserve." A night in Harry's third year has he and his dorm-mates discussing the most attractive girls in Hogwarts, and whom they're trying to tried to score a date with/get as a girlfriend. Dumbledore said in a clear voice, Harry gasped mutely. Harry had snuck into one of the Order meetings and he learns he is being betrayed and us... #baddumbledorehermioneweasleys #creatureharry #darkharry #fanfiction #harryxcharlie. Dumbledore said with a kind smile on his face. "As long as Harry does not find out the truth then everything will go as planned. Кожен артист хору — це яскраво обдарований професіонал, який чудово володіє і вокально-хоровою майстерністю, і технікою виконання сольних партій, складаючи абсолютно неповторний, самобутній колектив. Harry almost cried. A Dragon's Mate. The Dark Lord blasted the door open as James Potter shouted, "LILY, TAKE HARRY AND RUN!" ... 195 Harry Has a (Male) Mate. Академічний камерний хор “Хрещатик” – багатожанровий, мішаний, професійний камерний хор, який органічно поєднує у безмежному просторі свого технічного і репертуарного діапазону найрізноманітніші напрямки академічної і популярної музики. Якщо Ви хочете купити ноти, вкажіть назву пісні та залиште свої контактні дані – і ми з Вами зв’яжемось! 338 Voldemort/Tom Riddle - Harry Potter. Naming Conventions The Virgule. His uncle was angry. Relations concernant uniquement Harry Potter et Voldemort alias Tom Riddle. Everything from there on, was hell. But sometimes ⦠Harry⦠Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle. Severitus, AU, Crossovers, Slash, Abuse, Time Travel, MPREG and much more. Little mindset Harry Potter fanfic where Voldemort saves Harry and Dumledore is evil. I would go back to the beginning, the very first Harry Potter fanfiction on this site and move foreward. "A brat, he is always leading us into trouble and half the time we have to save his life while risking our own!" 283 Veela, Soul Mates and bonding fanfiction This C2 will have all the good fanfiction of Veela, Soul Mate and bonding fanfiction that I can find. So that was the plan? Warnings: This has slash, and so far, I haven't finished an actual story, so let's hope I finish this one. Author: Jaeye. Harry and Draco ⦠Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people to teach him things, but it was not all it seemed. That would not work, he was gay and didn't even like girls that way let alone someone like Ginny. "You don't pay us enough money to be his friends professor." And it happens to be when Voldemort and a few Death Eaters are raiding Hogwarts. "I know you have said once before, but who is his real parents?" What makes this fanfic different is the fact that neither are willing to change positions in the war. Mate of Darkness Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Chapter 14 - Daily Prophet and Arriving at Hogwarts. Summary--- A Dark Severitus fic, Severus is sent a letter that will change the lives of several people including Remus and Harry. Всі права захищено. Fanfiction Harry Potter Voldemorts Daughter Reader X Harry Reader X Draco Year 2. When a Voldemort in his thirties encounters a time-travelling, seventeen-year-old Harry Potter, he makes a dangerousâand hilariousâassumption. Всі співаки винятково мобільні у підготовці нового музичного матеріалу, це дає змогу стабільно підтримувати надзвичайно високі темпи випуску нових концертних програм. Dumbledore killed his parents, not Voldemort all these years he had been hating the wrong person. If Harry and he were truly soul mates then it would not matter what name he went by or the fact that he was going to pretend to be a muggle so he could win the boys heart. They were making a marriage contract between him and Ginny? The best of these will be put onto this C2. Hermione said. Molly asked. CreatureTom! He could tell by the way his uncle's feet slammed down on the stairs as he came up. This was getting too much, but he knew that what they were saying was true, but if so who were his real parents? Dumbledore asked, this was directed at Hermione and Ron. [A dark fic, with dark Draco and dark Harry. "I have a hunch." Dumbledore said. "LOOK HARRY POTTER HAS A HOWLER" some one screams "open it mate" Ron says I open the letter with shaky hands "HARRY JAMES POTTER! Oh yeah. Disclaimer: Do not own harry potter JK Rowlings does. #creatureharry Well that also was not going to happen, the soul residing within him had been with Harry for his whole life it felt like a part of him, and he had grown to like that part. Instead of living with the Dursley's, the Potter twins get to live with their loving God-Fathers. AU fic that begins at the beginning of their sixth year, Draco is a Veela (a seductive, semi-human magical being) whose mate is revealed to be none other than Harry Potter. A glamour made Harry look more like James then his true parents, no one questioned it." Harry was even more shocked, they were being paid to be his friends? Harry Potter x Voldemort. ... Tomarry. His parents were on Voldemort's side? It was easy to place the blame on him, no one questioned me.
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