i want to be able to bond with him, but it's taking forever for him to get use to me. i got a bunny in december every time i go to pick her up she runs away but when i do pick her up she scratches me. he is very snuggly nd cuddly. when hes mega tired from playing or too hot or has a belly ache or sick he will lay down but never lays his head down to the side ever and i have never seen his eyes shut! thanks. Within the second day I was getting kisses, and that lasted for four days, but now she won't. Instead, make sure to always speak in a soft and gentle manner. Important to note: A rabbit, unlike a dog or cat, evolved as a *prey* species. It is widely considered to be distressing and painful to a rabbit, according to the. For those of you who are saying your bunny has become aggressive: Consider spaying or neutering it. my rabbit is almost 5 months old and she's not eaiting!...I bought her this new brand of food because it was the only one they had in the pet store near me and she wont eat it..the food is called natures cafe bunnys buffet, and its a mixed of like bananas and the normal food i use to get her with carrots etc. But they should get 3hrs of exercise per day). she was okay with me holding her if i was sitting down, and she ran all over the house, and i had no trouble getting her back in the cage. Droppings that are not in a pile, but are scattered, are signs that this … I'm afraid she is going to hurt herself. However, this means that they have a blind spot directly in front of their face. In fact, toys actually improve the quality of your pet rabbits … Minimum 20 minutes. ive bought her numerous kinds of toys and she has never been interested in them. He has only let me hold him once for a short period of time and then scratched me and ran under my bed. They radiate excess heat through their ears, so cool ears just mean that the bun doesn’t have any excess heat to lose, not necessarily that they are too cold. They do not have the skittishness that rabbits need to survive in the wild. Harlines not interested in toys either but she loves rabbit treats. The thing is that she's not eating all shes been eating is her bedding and grabbing my dads cover cds(which are made of paper). i have no idea what to do. hey, the same thing happened with my rabbit, the only thing you can do to get him to trust you is to put him say in your room and then lay down on the floor and just let him sniff you and hop on you. depending on what relationship you want. He does not like the new bunny at all... WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!???? She is such a pretty and fun bunny, I just want to make sure I can bond with her as much as possible! Nipping can also be used in a grooming sense as in “I like that you pet me so, I will groom you.” Licking Rabbits lick for affection, not for salt. Make sure the room is free of other pets or people, so you can enjoy some quality time. He runs Away from me.And He let my sister pet him... My bunny sometimes lets me pet it but it always makes a snorting noise and it comes out but it only run back in. As for how quicky he trusts... Who knows? There isn't anything under it, its just that, hes not fully potty trained yet and i cant reach under there. Buy a copy of The House Rabbit Handbook by Marinell Harriman. She is 25 weeks old now and overall and a loved member of our family and im so glad we keeped her as an indoor pet. I am sorry to hear about the people having aggression problems with their bunnies. i love him. My bunny bites me every day!What do I do. i have to wait til he wanders upstairs and on my bed til i can get him. It’s the only accurate book on the market about rabbit behavior. Jumping out of your arms may be the most dangerous reaction of an anxious rabbit. HELP PLEASE! Hi there, I recently got a 4-5 months old angora rabbit, and he's really sweet :) he is very curious and always sniff at me and my family ^.^ I placed toys and pellets, and unlimited hay which I replenish every night. Ihave a bunny named Oreo, he's very friend;y and he loves people, but latrly he has been running in his cage evry time I try to pick him up. Likewise, they may associate smells with bad experiences, like a previous ownerâs rough handling with the scent of specific perfume. I have a male Netherland Dewarf and I have had him for nearly 3 years now. I know she isn't doing it for me to pick her up or pet her, as she runs when I try. Some rabbits will shy away from human hands and don’t seem to enjoy being pet. Although it is a great indicator that your rabbit likes you, it is not the only sign of affection. why does he attack me when i clean =/. Now, get them out of the cage (even if you have to put a towel over them to hide their eyes and calm them...so they won't bite you) Although you shouldn't have to do this with time, they will learn to love your play time. But her behavior is getting out of hand and it’s getting frustrating. When the rabbit accepts this, you can hold it without further complications. You wouldnât think that you were being lifted for love or affection. You’ll spend twice … How do I introduce them? well i happen to have 27 rabbits currently, so i know a lot on the subject. I love her. Zelda always goes "potty" in the litterbox, no matter where I put it! Getting to know your pet takes some time, so don’t venture into playing with your rabbit if you don’t yet know how far you can go. Just make sure to handle him EVERY DAY but not just in a cage setting, let him feel free and you will have a new best friend before you know it! But she seems so happy less than a second later. Do this every day for as long as you can. Rabbits have unique personalities. She didn’t even want to sit anywhere near the temporary electric heater they gave me for my bedroom. This is mainly because of their prey instincts and the history of their breeding. lots of licking, binkying , and the soft purring noise he makes..hes getting used to baths actually likes them a lot.. hes so content he just plopps right over and falls asleep nearly killing me i think hes dead hahah but all said and done i love my bunny hes a great companion and i encourage any responsible caring and loving person with a lot of time on their hands to get one!! If you try to pet an unsocialized rabbit, it may become scared and anxious. Understanding rabbits’ unique language is helpful when building a bond with your pet rabbit for the long term. What can I do. They have to be conditioned to trust humans. Bunny Flopping Meaning. Any advice on having multiple buns would be great. I put a two and a half foot pen and put in on the other died of the basement room so she couldn't get to the wires. That's why they make bad pets. I adopted her from a rabbit breeder in Wisconsin. I'm transferring that one to here :3 Anyway, it's for your … one day she wants tons of cuddles and will do anything to get to my face to give it a good licking, or "groom" my hair. I hope at least a small percentage of you recognize the responsibility you've taken on and actually care about your pet enough to take some time to educate yourself while also taking the time to allow your rabbit to become comfortable being around a strange smelling, large, loud human. He tolerates me to pet him but no real like of me. How Else Can You Tell If Your Rabbit Likes You? If your rabbit doesnât seem to like you anymore, this usually isnât because of something you did. Never mind! Hey my bunny is very curios and loves to explore, but she is jumping out of my arms when I carry har. -(Sorry if im off topic), I got my rabbit Holly 2 weeks ago, she was initially called Nigel but when we sexed her, he was a she. They love their food. In the wild, it would be with other rabbits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If a rabbit doesn’t have … My rabbit is 7-8 weeks now and is fine with me stroking him and he even eats treats out of my hand. Then when i went outside i sat down and he jumped on top of me and ran around like crazy like i was the best thing that ever happened to him. If you pet your rabbit in this spot, you may spook it. it does take time to be able to stroke and cuddle them bacl. Alternatively, eliminate the bunnies’ habitat. I can't stroke her as it makes her panic and I can't go neer her as she dosent want me there and I don't know what to do :( can anyone suggest what to do?? i do eveything i can to help my bunny but she is always scratching me and at a dramatic state when i am holding her. If you only have one rabbit, you can give it some companionship, but it will still be lonely at night or when you are away at work. i say if they bite whimper like you are sad. He doesn't mind me stroking him as long as he doesn't think I'm going to pick him up, then he goes all moody. Hello, I need serious help. They seem very bored and actually have nipped me! Nudging. A happy rabbit will often run and jump, and perform little rabbit dances known as 'binkies', where they leap and twist in the air, shake their ears and generally seem quite pleased with life. They can recognize you by your voice or even sight and it will even command on your voice, as they know you … but she's worth it, i think the key to bonding well with a rabbit is to understand his/hers boundaries and not to push them. ??? i dunno if shes scared or just grumpy or what. Allow your rabbit to approach you, instead of the other way around. I'm at the point where mine hangs out with me all day when I'm at home. my parents bought abunny when i was 10! How can you tell if this is random instinct or a real problem? Your email address will not be published. She said that I also have to check his nails and the rest of his body for an signs of diseases or injuries. remember rabbits are in essence just like any other animal and although they don't attack because they smell fear the natural smells you give off can have an … i had my bunny for 5 months now...i tried potty training him..but it just didn't work for him...but his temperaments have been very good lately..whenever i come home and let him out...he's always running like crazy...binking everywhere...i don't really like him going on the sofa's so i usually sit away from them and he usually comes lay down by me...there's also this stuff animal that he likes and he's always laying down by it...sometimes he's pretty naughty like chewing things up but he'll stop whenever he hears the yogurt chip bag, and come running towards me. in nearly 8 years and we spend all day with him! Does it prefer to sit on your lap or just play nearby? I'm trying to let him have his space so that he won't end up completely hating me and turn evil on me. Sometimes he won't start eating til I'm gone :-(. He is the perfect combo of loving yet in charge. and louise28 if your bunny is doing that she might be hot my mom says bunnies get hot really easliy. Watch out for destructive behavior like hyperactivity, anger, and self-destructive actions like pulling at its fur, gnawing on the bars of its cage, or overeating. You wonât be established as just a tall and domineering creature. Like most prey animals, rabbits have eyes located on the sides of their head. i have to rabbits at first i thought they were both boys because that's what the pet store told me... well later on i noticed one of them was getting really fat very quickly and eating a lot.. we cheaked the rabbit and found it was a girl...and now i think she is pregnet she dosent want picked up and only petted once in a while shes always digging but she hasn't nested yet so i have no idea if shes pregnant or not! Some rabbits may enjoy being held if they are comfortable with and know the individual holding them. I have a 6 month old mini holland lop bunny. He never kick me, or bites me. i had my other rabbit, a giant. She isn't "humping" like a dog does with the lower body. 1. It'll be the last time. We where told he was very skittish and shy, however when he got home with us he instantly bonded with my fiancée and now will litterally not leave him alone. Your bunny will likely keep to itself until it feels better, and return to normal. I haven't named him/her yet because he/she isn't developed enough to tell if it is a he or a she. The solution to this is similar to when your rabbit runs away. She will eat treats out of my hand, and jump on me, and allow me to pet her on her terms. Let them hop on your lap, give them a treat. thankyou! Pleas help. If rabbits are exposed to extreme stress multiple times or for long periods, this may cause their health to degrade. I have a two story hutch, and hes never been down the ramp since, I find it very strange and also my bunny will run away from me, thump at me and all! She also hate being in a small space with me because she has to place to go. Every attempt I have made to warm up and comfort/love my bunny has been a waste of time. Rabbits show this behaviour in a number of ways: Jumping on Your Lap. So I did a bun rescuing operation last night and have now aquired a lionhead mix/male named "Destroyer" (hubby picked the name for a laugh). and when I'm holding him he wants to get down really bad, should I be worried? She has a box with some packing paper to play in, though she hasn't really gone for that yet. I think because he is intact he knows mum and i especially me are females. My bunny even lets a 2 year old stroke him on his ears and he seems to relax. It can also mean people, food, toys, and even noises have entered their zone. One day, when my sister was at her friends house for the day, i cleaned out Squggles hutch ect, and played with him for hours just running about the garden and when i went inside for lunch, he sat at the door like usual and waited for me. When your rabbit jumps on your lap is a big sign that your rabbit wants your attention. Important to note: A rabbit, unlike a dog or cat, evolved as a *prey* species. Seemingly for no reason, your rabbit may start hiding from you, running away from you, and avoiding you. i don't know if there scared or if its some enjoyment thing but im worried. i mean is it necessary since he's the only bunny? Go up to him slowly in about 15min once they've had a chance to sniff every corner of the room, give him treats when he's closer. They can recognize you by your voice or even sight and it will even command on your voice, as they know you well. Even that night, played on the bed with me and my bf, we petted him, etc. And guess what? What isnât loud for you can be loud and distressing to your rabbit. Clearly, the majority of you haven't bothered to take any time to read up on how to care for rabbits BEFORE bringing one home. she jumps on the couch to snuggle with me for hours, lie at my feet when on the computer etc etc. I got a bunny from my boyfriend on my birthday. Any ideas? my bunny hates me when i pet it the thing broke a joint in my finger bla bla bla he hats me. So I bought this bunny for my daughter five years ago. Some rabbits will deign to sit quietly on their owner's lap - more often they'll prefer running up to their owners for some gentle pets and then running off when they're done. And she isn't scratching like a cat, where she drags her paws way down my legs. The bright side of all this is that when a rabbit does bond with you, it bonds strongly. He used to love me, and he still runs and does binkies and is so cute, but like the next second he runs under the dresser. U don't understand how we are perfect to each other. Bonding with your bunny is a great way to earn its trust. this may seem stupid and/or embarassing to YOU, but this makes your bunny feel right at home and will make you become one of them. Don’t have a vet? After a minute or so he should settle down and maybe even close his eyes. My bunny jumps out my hand when i hold him what do i do ... what does it mean ?? Then, he just went star crazy. Certain signs act as an early warning that your rabbit has encountered something bad or stressful. I've researched and it says that they may get very aggressive and harder to deal with if not neutered. when he was a baby i would lie in his pen (he has massive pen a human can stand and walk around in and hutch within that and two indoors pens. Some reactions will be minor and wonât call for concern. And it's so worth it. I just recently bought another bunny, hoping he could make a friend. When i got them they were 5 months old but now they are 8 months old. As such, itâs best to crouch low on the ground when youâre talking or approaching your rabbit. There are ways to bond with your rabbit. If you wish to have a tongue lolling excited companion, pick a dog. He stays on my sofa and jumps off and on, runs around and comes to me whenever he wants me to pet him. The humping still hasn't stopped and I will be getting him fixed soon so he doesn't accidentally impregnate the girls. When a rabbit doesnât like to be held, it is also best to leave it alone. I love him to bits. The odd thing that she does, is that she sniffs my legs! When you see them go pee or poo in their litter box, say yes, good job, and pet them if you can. Greetings, my dwarf bunny is a good bunny until its time to clean his cage! Since day one she has let me hold her, we've cuddled, and she licks me all the time. but i have had a rabbit for ova a year and she still doesn't like me if i come near her she runs away and when i have to pick her up to put her back in her cage (she is allways out free in my garden)she scrams me and i am sceard that she will brake her back but i don't no what els to do for her coz i cant leave her out ova night.:(. And what do they LOVE to eat as a treat, Right now, im giving my rabbit Sunflower seeds. The food is not dangerous or bad, just new. he picks in my garbage and gets into all sorts of mischief.. i love him though i wouldn't trade him for anything. i love takhisis hes our protector. this is a really good way to let your bunny get used to you, even though you may have to lay on the floor and not move for at least a few minutes. Do you think a NINE year old should get a pet bunny? Territory droppings. I don't want to have to take care of him because I really don't have time. But we all still love him loads, even if he has eat half our fence. He/she keeps biting me on my chest and it hurts.....when i let her out to play she won't really let me pet her unless she thinks I'm giving her food.......and that's another thing she eats everything so that means she bites everything and I don't get her because I feed her 3 times aday vegetables,pellets, and then a little bit more pellets at night. This can be caused by three reasons, all of which are easily remedied: A rabbit that suddenly stops eating from your hand isnât a cause for concern. Check out VET RESOURCES. She was 11 and the bunny is strickly her job (of course I paid for the supplies) and I was wondering how long do bunnies live because her bunny is still alive and I thought that they only lived for three to four years. This may cause them to feel insecure. Overall, he's a very energetic bunny and seems to be very happy. but i think we should take her to a vet. unfortunately in spring he pees a lot us but he thinks its a good thinks. The male is very friendly already and already starting to use his litterbox. Once you do, your worrying can end…mostly. Imagine being a prey animal and being suddenly lifted off the ground. I thought so if she took care of one by herself she can take care of two right? My mouth is full of testimonies, Am miss PRECIOUS E my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist, where he meant this prostitute and he was bewitch by the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called Dr odudu and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me.. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. He will eventually associate coming to you as getting a reward. I brought my female mini lop rabbit at 11 weeks old and decided to keep her as an in door rabbit. Be patient with them, give them the space and time to explore and get confidence to trust you. I'll push her down, and she'll jump right back to the other leg, and go on and on doing this. Sometimes your bunny won't actually lick and nibble you, but instead to your clothing or a piece of fabric near you. A hostile rabbit may express its displeasure in a number of ways. Your rabbit will let you know is she doesn’t like what you’re doing. However, a scared rabbit can act out in different ways. Thank you again for your help, and I will continue to read up on any extra things I should know! Perhaps your rabbit associates the smell of cooking with a loud gathering. Itâs nothing personal. So your rabbit may not appreciate being picked up and held. I have a 9 year old and I got rabbits as a pet for the family. So far shes been a wonderful pet who enjoys people and who can have fun and run around in many places besides her pen. They radiate excess heat through their ears, so cool ears just mean that the bun doesn’t have any excess heat to lose, not necessarily that they are too cold. She runs and hides in a corner (DEPRESSING) and wont move. If you need to transport the animal immediately, consider luring it with a treat to the new place or to its carrier. Have you recently handled a cat or a dog? Well anyway I wanted her to be even more happy so I got her another bunny to play with. My issue is now one of the girls has started to become aggressive at times. She was amazing with him, she was calm when she went to see him because she was worried she would scare him and everyday after school she would race in to go and clean his hutch out and play with him. I try playing with them as much as i can but they don't have as much fun as they used to. but then he scratches trying to get a way. Jumping on Your Lap. If socialization doesnât happen, a rabbit will become aloof and afraid to be handled. he sure does like to chase cats. The rewards are great however, and the relative few who discover the delights of the bunny world are generally entranced forever. i just got a mini rex(i think) and she is so sweet to my bunny ozzy(mini lop) but he just isn't feeling the relashonship. Hold out a treat and say your rabbit's name in a calm voice, giving the rabbit the treat and verbal praise if it approaches you. I actually feel blessed after reading this thread. Harline personaly likes her cheeks rubbed. If a rabbit suddenly stops eating from your hand, donât be alarmed. No matter how often a rabbit is handled, this instinct is still at the back of its mind. She has lots of wood, plastic, rope and other chewable toys in her cages and in the house. she though if he hadn't eaten in 3 days he would be weak but he attacted her because she tried to look in his mouth. @Bunny lover - I don't think a 9 year old should get a pet bunny if you are expecting the child to take care of it by him/her self. He just wants to play, and when no ones in the garden with him, he'll hop up the stairs and sit at the patio doors and look inside or claw at the doors on hit his nose against the glass until someone notices him so that we will go out and play with him. Likewise, they may associate smells with bad experiences, like a previous owner’s rough handling with the scent of specific perfume. I think you have other rabbits? He love me and has bonded well with JUST me. I went to feed her every day, but she would never come out of her cage, even when I left the door open. Please help?. 1. I was very sad after my first bunny died- she was very affectionate and my new one was very scared of me. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Why Do Rabbits Binky? It can then observe you and grow more comfortable with your presence. Rabbits will also let you know when they want your attention. Your rabbit will have reactions hardwired for its survival. I understand him. offer food and maybe act a little nervous of them yourself so they feel powerful. Instead, build up trust and rapport. I read all of these and i'd have to say im glad i did pick my lop mix bunny over the dwarf. The rabbit may not like the smell of your hand. Gradually rebuild your trust with your rabbit before attempting to pet it. She has started trying to hump both the male and the other female and she is my only bun that growls. I have a dwarf bunny, and everytime i let him out of his cage he'll play and play as if he's happy. If he makes a purring noise while you scratch his head this means he is happy. Initially you will probably have the most success scratching around the head, between the ears, and on the nose. I love this bunny too though she is VERY shy. I just adopted two 3 month old bunnies from the humane society, and brought them home the day they were fixed. If you believe that a smell is causing your rabbit stress, consider moving it to another area. Socialization should happen before a rabbit turns six weeks old. Maybe even hold him while you feed him. He is only penned up at night because he is litter trained. Rabbits sometimes do not like to be petted. They may get stuck between objects. I even bought a cat scratch post for her, but can't get her to use it. He has teeth problems which mean regular operations now. You can built this relationship too! If it struggles, let it go and try again later. my bunny Tallulah is really moody. What many people don't realize when they are contemplating getting a rabbit is the sheer amount of time it can take to bond with a bunny. he is still toilet trained and a well behaved happy boy. I've had my rabbit for about a year now, and she has never liked being picked up, but it seems to be getting a whole lot worse! They require a lot of care and patience. But providing your bunny with more access to hay doesn’t solve the problem; rabbits love to play and they absolutely love toys. She loves my 6yer old daughter and has started to lick her face, i have read this is a sign that the rabbit is very happy. Now let them play. Change itself can be enough to put your rabbit on edge. he likes to bite objects to people. i call him my baby he is not in a cage he has the run of the house (yes it is bunny proofed) he sleeps with me he loves to be held and picked up. You can also try hand feeding him if you don't already. I just noticed you said rabbit aren't good for 11 year olds and I was 11 only a couple years ago. My step mom dosent like animals but I have a bunny that is about a year old. but he loves to be cuddled sang to, gromed, kissed etc. Instead, youâd think that you are being carried off by a wolf or eagle. She's adorable, and in some ways, friendly. It's best to avoid reaching for your rabbit's food, toys, or litter box when he has grunted with disapproval at you. Most likely, your rabbitâs skittish behavior is not your fault. I have dressers that kind of sit up off the floor, well when I went to put him in his cage, he hides underneath it. He lays on my lap and lets me pet him forever, snuggles up to my neck and can't wait for me to get him out of his cage. If you wish to have a wheedling purring mass on your lap by the fire, pick a cat (not that bunnies are above begging when they want something, oh no, the soulful stare of a bunny who wishes to have that which you have can be quite hard to refuse.). I let her out into the living room area all the time (which is carpeted), and I bring out her litter box for her. so whenever he's laying down, i slowly go over, pet his head with couple strokes and hold his front paws out and clip them. "Hmm, food..." hops up to food dish and starts eating before you even get your arm out, accidentally brushing her with your arm as you exit her cage. Rabbits are conditioned to dislike certain odors, especially those related to common predators, like cats and dogs. She just needed some more 'me' time :) she also loves playing with the birds I own... although they may beg to differ haha. Rabbits have a. Do checks every now and again to ensure your rabbit isn’t slowly chewing through your bedframe, Shawshank style.
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