I had ONE stovepipe in 300+ rounds! In contrast, the SKS is an ungainly, plain-Jane looking lump. With an examination like this, we can safely start with the bad. It shoots great. SKS rifles all have milled receivers, which promotes durability and accuracy. Nobody was hurt but some shots were fired that scared the crap out of them all. This site is owned and operated by J.R. Garen. Clay Martin has done a fine job with his testing! A similar rifle now could cost up to $450, especially if it is in its original configuration and in good shape. That wouldn’t look good on the news. Once again, target audience. Second I don’t know where you’ve been but Tapco makes 25 round mags that work quite well and are dependable. Yes you can put a scope on a SKS rifle. Check out the picture in the snow. When you can get a gun at that low of a price, the firearm modifiers of the world, both good and bad, flock and take the opportunity for all its worth. Still an iconic piece of history. Now that would make me run faster. Also now you’re buying 1 rifle for the cost of 4 (dollar per dollar, not counting inflation). Cons of SKS Rifles and Carbines for Preppers, You can read the details of Section 922R here. One final thing… Two moa is not unheard of. Mostly in dirty conditions or when poorly maintained. In some cases, heavily. I never cleaned it but did make sure my ammo was non-corrosive. Horrible idea unless on a squad machine gun ;0. It was an early birthday present from my dad that we picked up at a gun show. The author of the article displays ignorant arrogance typical of a large segment of the gun press. The grenade launcher is simply a muzzle attachment threaded and pinned to the end of the barrel. It is a very early Russian with rare hardwood stock (most were laminated) blade bayonet, and was arsenal rebuilt in Russia to new condition. I personally have found the actual Russian and Eastern European models more better made and accurate than the Chinese versions. Think the point of the article is if you’re an unfortunate slob not already possessing first rate gear, don’t overlook the SKS at your local shop if it’s the only thing you can afford. It is my fave and a great shooter, will shoot as well as I can. Wait, that’s not true. So, that’s my SKS tale, more than you cared to hear I’m sure. 22LR is good, but an SKS was my first and I strongly agree that it is an excellent first rifle. At the time, these things were flooding the market. LOUD! The M62 was even more accurate, and I was taking out wild dogs(canine) at 600 meters with iron sights!! There are several really good scopes that you can find on the market for your SKS rifles. First, it is well known for reliability, much like the AK-47. When not in use, the bayonet folds under the barrel into a channel cut into the stock. As one member posted on Survivalist Boards, The SKS is on of the most reliable weapons ever made. If you have ripped rims, you likely have a pitted chamber. For arming a bunch of shooting virgins I’d do so with SKS’s after 10-22’s … We can debate the 10-22 part if you want. This makes it difficult to carry over long distances. Most folks considered the cheap 7.62×39 ball ammo as ideal for shooting Hawgs, as it was common for the Hawgs to not be eaten, and ball ammo was the cheapest centerfire cartridge sold. The most favored variants of the SKS tend to be those produced in Russia or China. If you feel someone you care about needs a gun that is grab and go with nothing to bring but the ammo the SKS is a good choice. Remember, made in China! Household goods and so forth. I cleaned it and lubed it when I got it in 93. But it is a bit disconcerting when you pick it up. My “last” SKS I had, I fired indoors with some brass cased ammo. He has a video on Youtube with the SKS. Another old, retired NCO. Don’t worry about the old ammo. Q: Is SKS a sniper rifle? Feature Articles, They are still used in the Russian federation as duty weapons by the guards of arms depots and reserve bases. Slam firing is when the firing pin is stuck in the forward position, and so when the bolt “slams” into battery the round fed into the chamber will fire. 7.62x39mm was basically free in the ’80s and ’90s if you are old enough to remember those days. Combined with a cheap chrome-lined barrel, accuracy is not the rifle’s strong suit. Easy to modify in some important ways, and VERY accurate at average distances. The cheapest SKS’s will be the Norinco Chinese models. One thing to be aware of when modifying your SKS is Section 922R. And so many of us did. The “ones that got away.”. The Yugo SKS is probably the most unique, due to the inclusion of a grenade launcher. As mentioned, the SKS is an outstanding battle rifle. Apparently it's pretty cheap ($300-$400), reliable, and the Soviet and some of the Chinese ones are pretty high-quality. Either will accept the AK mag. And on that accuracy- I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I bought one 1891 Mosin that turned out to made by Remington and did a tour in Finland for 39.95. The best rifle to learn on is a bolt action, however, so new shooters should seriously consider one. I enjoyed this article as both a reality check and common sense not seen often enough ? That I can PROMISE. And, as I stated in my own write-up, people can criticize these rifles all they like, but I do NOT suggest or recommend that they get on the wrong end of one! In that four-year period I had one, yes one, “ONE” fail to eject which I later found was the fault of the cheap and worn-out magazine. Buzz, At one time, they were sold for less than $100. Before the 1994 “Assault Weapon Ban”, purchasing an SKS would cost you well under $100 for a nice quality and good condition gun. On the sporting side, it can take deer cleanly out to 150 yards; anymore and you're pushing the accuracy of the rifle. As the article said it’s not a perfect shooter but better than satisfactory. NO! I would not buy one that did not have matching numbers but that’s just me. I'm getting my first gun soon. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. They are seductive like a mistress. It also makes them cumbersome in tight spaces. Found the liar advertising their bs web sight etc. Also, mine is very accurate! It has a 10 round magazine and can be reloaded with a stripper clip from the top like the American M-1 Garand rifle. One of those with matching parts and numbers will be about 600 dollars give or take depending the condition. At least the SKS has that built-in bayonet and sturdy wood stock… it makes a better sticker/club than an AR when you run out of ammo! The SKS can be converted to a bullpup with some of these kits. STILL as LOUD as it was when New! It is rugged and well made. So figure at some point “something” in it will break, or springs wear out, firing pin break, and it won’t be at a convenient time. I have to agree with it being accurate, I have two Chinese made (1960s, one duckbill) and I have no problem with either, hitting what I shot at within less than 2″ using iron sights (love iron). The SKS ammo rig Clay was wearing is widely available and was very inexpensive, at least years back when I got one. The Russian SKS considered to be the best version of the rifle was only made from 1949 to 1951 after this the rifle was made in other countries such as China, Romania, and Yugoslavia. This resulted in several unique versions of the SKS and a huge overall production number. In a world of modern whiz-bang rifles, is the SKS good enough? Primary: SKS Scout Combat Optic, Bipod, SKS Rifle Stock, 30 Round Mags, Focus. SKS’s, especially the Yugo’s, can get pretty heavy. Superior as a hunting rifle over the AK, and FAR better knock-down than any 5.56! Ex sniper. I gave it to a friend in sometime after 2005 and regretted it until he called me one day wanting to selling it and gave me first crack at it, which I jumped on. On a good day, you can find a box of 20 steel-cased, non-corrosive cartridges for $5 or $6. Due to the inexpensive rifle AND the crates of cheap surplus ammo, many shooters get … The only issue is that it creeps into every nook and cranny of the firearm, including the trigger assembly and bolt. Even if as a minor detail, your hand is on the folding bayonet when firing. I have fired five rounds at 50 meters with a spread less than 4 inches in three seconds. But I can promise you that the rumor about the 7.62×39 being designed to “wound”, is JUST a rumor! A byproduct of being so well built is that they are among the most durable rifles in existence. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'diyprepper_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',129,'0','0'])); Having owned my SKS for almost a decade, I can say confidently that it makes a good prepper rifle. Made that way in factory, only from Norinco though. After approximately 200-300 rd, it became 99.9% reliable. It must not be overlooked that the caliber choice is an all-around winner. Here’s my tale of one SKS that I owned, in fact, the only one I ever owned. Some had blades for the bayonet, some were spikes. The recoil is not enough to develop a flinch and it is cheap to operate and large enough calibre for more serious business than a 22LR Most think going to the range and shooting under perfect conditions with all the new bells and whistles at a fixed target will get you there and nothing can be further from the truth. They had never shot a gun, either of them. The United States military had already adopted the .30-06 M1 Garand, and numerous other countries were experimenting with issuing semi-automatic rifles to their troops. Rifle Review. First off I have a Russian SKS which are for the most part a superior build quality. The war had made it apparent that bolt action rifles were on their way out as standard issue military rifles. He sold it to me cheap and I will not part with now. While 5.56 NATO may be better over long ranges, 7.62×39 can be truly devastating at medium to close range. I’m a revolver guy and love old school rifles. No takers. They were a great bargain back before Clinton made them hard to get. Since many SKS’s saw very little, if any, use, they were stored long-term after being dipped in a substance called cosmoline. I’ve tried all the cute add-ons then removed them, as you say it still shoots reasonable with the iron sites. Often overlooked, is the … Its role as a front line service weapon was cut short when it was replaced by the AK-47 in the early 1950s. An SKS is a good gun in that it's a lot of fun to shoot at the range and 7.62x39 military surplus ammo is the cheapest center-fire rifle cartridge out there. The SKS is arguably a great looking rifle in its original form and allows for prone use rather easily. bought a ton of stripper clips. The 7.62×39 is FAR MORE LETHAL than our standard 55Grain, 5.56mm used in the ARs. I can’t do that with the irons on any of my other rifles. As a result, the recoil is directly upward with NO side rotation. Not bad for an 83 year old veteran! It cannot be overstated how easy to use the SKS sights are. I cleaned the bolt/firing pin out (filled with cosmoline). Germany developed the Gewehr 43 and STG44 rifles, and the Soviet Union had issued the SVT-38 … All the stocks mentioned will give you better performance and usability to make you love the rifle even more. Glad you kept the old rifle as a back-up! To this day I have an image of the NVA in his uniform and me hearing and seeing the cycling of the SKS he was shooting at me. 5.56mm beat 7.62mm in wounding power. Really wish I had kept one. Check out these reviews below to know more about the best SKS stocks of 2021. Another disadvantage of SKS rifles and carbines that some preppers may not like is their sights aren’t that great. Most optic mounts available for the SKS will require the services of a gunsmith. The SKS was originally developed shortly after World War II. Great survival rifle for sure! sheesh. If you have the pleasure of finding a never-used SKS, it will be absolutely covered with cosmoline. It requires no magazines and if you have no strippers it is simple to single load from a pocket or pouch full of rounds. Third, there are great polymer stocks on the market that turn the SKS into a near modern weapon. I have to agree — the SKS is a rugged, battle proven rifle. A lot has changed in the last 30 years in the US market, not to mention the 77 since the SKS was first prototyped. Once I remembered how to use my brain, the stripper clips fed very well, even without a lot of training time. I have an SKS that has been modified to use magazines up to 30 rounds, I have also modified the bolt so magazines can be loaded with the bolt closed, modified the trigger for better and lighter trigger pull, switched the stock to a polymer based unit with hand grip and capable of mounting a bi pod. An SKS is an excellent survival rifle, it is my secondary rifle under my M1A for SHTF scenario. Not planning to get THAT close!) I used them exclusively for the entire four years. The exploding stuff never left Vietnam. Any rifle can “get you killed”, if you miss and the other guy doesn’t. “For the low amount of money” or low-cost, I find the SKS to be a fine rifle! The highly regarded Czech VZ 58 is mostly SKS and is a two moa rifle. Another advantage of owning an SKS is how reliable they are. The AK is the epitome of the sexy/scary “assault rifle” genre. Because of certain features, such as the integral bayonet and the grenade launcher on the Yugo’s, SKS’s were imported into the U.S. as curios and relics. You don’t have to by a ChiCom version, they were made in many soviet bloc countries. My test gun is ancient, and no telling how many rounds it has had poured through it. Cheers! The SKS is not known for its accuracy nor was it designed to be precise. Cosmoline or “cosmo” is very thick and gooey, yet very effective at preserving metal. Jerry Miculek just drops the hinged mag body down and loads it and snaps it back. If you ever get a chance to buy one reasonably priced jump on it, you will not regret it. Have you checked out PSA recently? Got that T-Shirt, too! This is due to their simple design and solid construction. Here are some things that I don’t love about my SKS.
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