sunless talisman has the highest poise in the game for tanking hits while casting miracles, especially when using Lightning Stake or Wrath of Gods. Couple that with darkmoon blade or ear cancer (lightning blade) and you have a super fast, light, powerful weapon. save. I went through the trouble of making it because it looks pretty nifty, and scythe move-sets are awesome, but I noticed that it inflicts bleed on the user as well as the enemy. The Lifehunt Scythe is a halberd in Dark Souls. 500 Was curious if it was considerd a good weapon for pvp or not, as it has a slow swing … Call now! Derpwraith Obsessed Posts: 651 Reputation: -23 Join date: 2012-06-15 Age: 107 Location: The Abyss, tending to Kaathe. Scythe is a weapon in Dark Souls 2 "A scythe fitted with a large custom blade. - - #145306366 added by vladhellsing at Souls Lore - Painted World of Ariamis The Lifehunt Scythe is very similar to the Great Scythe, even possessing identical movesets. I’m allowed one bias choice per list, so I’m rocketing the lifehunt right up there. Too many times I missed a kill because I was out of stamina, or I have been killed because I miss and can't roll away. Add: This guy has a lot of builds which are fun to use. And, I've always hated the crackling sound of lightning blade. Yeah, you aren't wrong. I even went with a quality build at the start before I moved on to using miracles (you can get away with having an offensive int/pyro build early-mid game......not faith though!). Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. It's really amazing how easy it is to kill someone who brings no ranged options to the fight when good spells hit close to 3/4 their healrh. Sure you might take 500 damage from two SS hits but then they take 800+ from your high faith spells. --> Dorhy's Gnawing. It comes out relatively quick, does fairly decent dmg for it's fp cost, has deceptive reach and can be life saver in ganks (as you lifesteal from multiple opponents!). Weapon Type Param Tbh, I have never really tested the difference between them, just blindly believed people in forums. Also Mornes Hammer is one of my favorite weapons who's overall AR also scales with Faith. Hardcap, diminishing returns, etc. 90% Upvoted. I was using LB before I got DMB, but never recorded any fights. --> Way of White Corona. It has great range, B-scaling in dex, and a killer quick moveset, but you should be looking at the 500 auxiliary bleed! You can use whatever weapon you want, just make a decision if you want it lightning infused, or raw + buff. Almost identical to the one-handed strong attack on the right hand. I did some solid, thorough, deep googling on the matter, and random people on the internet said that the Canvas talisman sacrifices a bit damage for a bit of Unfaltering Prayer poise. My lvl 120 sorcere, and my sl120 faith build works nicely in pvp, people two shot me with ugs special or 3 shot if basic attack, but i two shot them back with both sunlight spear, and lifehunt scythe, i honestly see no problem beeing a spellcaster at 120, you dont need a freaking ugs as a spellcaster, just a quick weapon if necessary. Nerf this. This is the closest thing to a 'cheap poke spell' you have. ). It comes out relatively quick, does fairly decent dmg for it's fp cost, has deceptive reach and can be life saver in ganks (as you lifesteal from multiple opponents! It has a weird hit box and can sometimes catch rolls. Video Location Timestamp 1:55 Ascended Effect: increases HP absorb to 20%. 2 Lifehunt Scythe While most people might consider the Great Scythe to be superior, it must be said that the added perks of the Lifehunt Scythe make it … The large blade appears to be eaten away by insects, making it lightweight but also brittle. I've been looking for a solid PvP guide for a while now and this perfect, Praise the Sun!! -Spells. It's probably the best miracle. ... Healing miracles are great in both PVE/PVP. I prefer Stake. -->Raw Astora Straight Sword. Adds another dimension. Could you please link me this? Attunement is an essential stat if you're going to be a sorcerer, pyromancer or cleric. Anonymous. This thread is archived. Agreed. I do want to try an ultra-weapon build though! The Lifehunt Scythe is very similar to the Great Scythe, possessing an identical moveset. It has a slightly higher Strength requirement, higher base damage, scales slightly worse with Strength and Dexterity, is slightly heavier and has less durability. Keep in mind that I can only make rather superficial changes. Fixed a bug where the amount of healing received from the miracle "Lifehunt Scythe" would always be dependant on the Spellbuff value of the weapon equipped in the right hand slot; Lifehunt vs Great scythe (pvp) question Dark Souls. Trying to manage spell selection and FP, on top of health and stamina. Does physical damage which scales from faith. Itens, armaduras, armas e uma comunidade útil. -->Lifehunt Scythe. I'm working on my first build in DS3 and went towards a faith build. Lifehunt Scythe. Another mix-up spell, and it's stylish af. I'm doing a roleplaying build of "Death" with the Great Corvian Scythe and I want to use it for finishing PvP matches but it is so slow, it definetely needs a buff, as sorcerer and … Don't rely on this though. report. Well, I'm assuming he's making a PvP build as he's using dark damage, and lifehunt scythe is slower than a 1 handed greathammer, so it can be roll backstabbed by a semi-decent player. Build Name: Lifehunt Build; Build Level: 125; Build Focus: PvP; Starting Class: Warrior; Build Main Stats: Link to Dark Souls Calculator: Add link here. I'd love to duel that build, PPS: Regular Talisman has higher Spell Buff than Canvas at 60 Faith. Back in the day, this was my go-to PvP choice. by Micha369 on Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:21 pm. Rynn It's practically uninterruptible. For the Dark Souls III miracle, see Lifehunt Scythe (Dark Souls III). At high level pvp the weapon easily meets its master, even if the opponent has no armor at all he will possibly have to eat 4-5 hits to receive the blood loss, most 1on1s don't last that long. The Bloodbite Ring is of limited use in PvE due to the small amount of monsters that cause significant Bleed build-up, but can be useful when equipping the Lifehunt Scythe. But, I find it lackluster in 1v1 fights. Via: ... able to hit through walls also makes this reaping sweep effective for harvesting the heads of foes in both PVE and PVP despite having quite a short-range. Use it as a defensive measure when people are attacking you with a running attack or trying to close in on you/ or r1 spam. Loft papillon; Suite étoile; Tables d’hôtes; Promotions -Be wary of your stamina. They can often lure you into long spell casting animations or outspace you completely. Yeah, you aren't wrong. I also plan to make Intelligence and Dark Sorcery videos too, if this gets positive feedback. Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:51 pm. Canvas Talisman has much higher poise on the WA. 180 I played a quality build pretty much 90% of the game before I repecced into my faith build. Halberd Dark Scythe: treasure pickup in the Shaded Woods, near the Shaded Woods Ruin bonfire. Derpwraith. This is a mix-up to use instead of sunlight spear. I suck at video editing and I suck at reddit formatting. Other spells worth considering: --> Tears of denial. 16 It comes out relatively quick, does fairly decent dmg for it's fp cost, has deceptive reach and can be life saver in ganks (as you lifesteal from multiple opponents! This build abuses range. This had 2 troubles for me: spears and carthus curved sword. In pvp I generally have a 40-50% win rate so far with it, espescically if I two hand it. Xbox 360 Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. Acquired From. Well, I'm assuming he's making a PvP build as he's using dark damage, and lifehunt scythe is slower than a 1 handed greathammer, so it can be roll backstabbed by a semi-decent player. When I on the other side am already half dead if we trade. Lifehunt Scythe [DKS3 Wiki] Comments posted to our Dark Souls 3 Wiki 7 . - Purchase from Blacksmith McDuff in the Lost Bastille. Another mix-up spell, and it's stylish af. Lifehunt Scythe I also have a (less popular) int build ( - Renshaw Bowling Association Renshaw history. The fact that the Lifehunt Scythe requires 16 strength to one-hand is meaningless since you should always two-hand the scythe weapons anyway in my opinion. As someone else said, canvas has higher casting poise on the heavy attack. On my dark caster it does good damage to players in pvp. Lembrando que não jogo pvp, Estou começando a nova DLC, daí queria dar uma arrumada na Build e tal. If TWO hit, the motherfucker will bleed for 400-500 dmg! Any reason why you picked Canvas. A direct hit to someones face, while they are mid attack (defenses down) can take ~80% of their HP away. --> Lightning stake. I usually start fights by throwing out a few of these. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. B Slash Perhaps it is their survival instinct at work. I would play around with different miracles/weapons and find something you find comfortable. In arena 3v3 matches I dominated as a pyro. The lifehunt scythe definetly deserves more recognition and respect than it gets, it has ok-ish damage, is unexpected by everyone, you cannot roll into it, and the Hp gain is not to shaby as well. You'd do more split damage that way (magic, lightning, physical) which will reduce your actual damage output to if you had Lighting Blade the axe, that results in a very high lightning damage that rips through anything in 2 chains. In short, it's a great weapon. If I hit them they loose maybe a fifth of their health. -->Sunlight spear. Any caster is hard. Lifehunt Scythe: How to protect oneself from bleeding? The Lifehunt Scythe is unique in that it inflicts Bleed buildup to the wielder. Sexy af. As melhores informações, dicas, guias e banco de dados sobre Dark Souls. A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. The Great Scythe is found late in the Catacombs, after the fourth necromancer. Bonus Rope bombs worked very well and sometimes I had got combos like ropebomb-r1-r1. Toggle navigation. The main hot-spot areas for PvP in Dark S… Why DMB the Dragonslayer Axe? This is to try and eliminate ‘overpowered’ builds which can use any spell/miracle/pyromancy and any weapon in the game, forcing players to choose a play style. -->Lifehunt Scythe. Is the lifehunt scythe good for pvp? - Debate tactics, discuss builds, and set up duels. Raw ASS gets 322 physical dmg. What I love about spells being so garbage early on is that EVERYONE plays a quality build and can't fight against spells worth a poop. Can combo fairly well if the first hit connects. However, is there a thing to equip that reduce this bleeding on myself? And getting all the 'parts' for a faith build is even harder. This is a first version, nothing's definitive and I await your feedback. I give up. hide. You can take two/three straight sword swings before getting staggered and I think even some ultra weapon swings. It deals slightly higher base damage than the Great Scythe at the cost of shorter reach. 36 comments. It is a juggernaut in the arena. I actually tried to make this build a str/faith hybrid, but quickly ran out of points. - Be sure to use poise cast with sunless talisman. Maybe I'm too aggressive. Still a beast. Lifehunt can oneshot dragon players in pvp if you backstab them with Hornet Ring, and I recall doing 300-400 damage to guys in full giants. Scythe adjusted for battle. Notes I want to know if it is worth getting the bleed build up, I don't play online so I'm not into PvP. Morphing the dark blade build to better suit PvP, this build allows players to reap the life of their foes using Lifehunt Scythe and buff themselves using … You can infuse raw and buff it, but this is my "i cbf buffing" weapon for invasions when buffing is dangerous or I don't have a buff equipped. Just kidding, this spell is terrible. Durability So, the issue is, this spell doesn't have that great of a range. What it does have is much longer range and doesn't put you at risk of bleeding. Low starting and ending lags with a good hitbox. Excellent post. -KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR FP. I just watched his latest cleric video. Lifehunt Scythe Worth it? The Lifehunt Scythe is unique in that it … share. All for a measly 40 FP. Also instructive about the overuse of acronyms. It has a weird hit box and can sometimes catch rolls. Player hops forward and swings horizontally. And it's weapon art is one of the quickest and most powerful in the game. I do about 500-600 damage with 40/40 int and faith (ring of suns first and blindfold mask). History. Thanks Best Wishes, Micha. Can combo fairly well if the first hit connects. It's a really solid build, and I love the way he uses heal aid + lightning storm together. Ps. Morphing the dark blade build to better suit PvP, this build allows players to reap the life of their foes using Lifehunt Scythe and buff themselves using dark miracles. It doesn't do as much damage, but it has an AoE around the cast point, has multiple hits and can be 'spammed' multiple times, to catch people who roll around/behind you, or roll-attack you. I use Yorshka's in PvE though, as it does slightly more dmg. Attack Type Build Equipment. Another mix-up spell, and it's stylish af. Might even add some commentary. Hello skeletons. Hitbox is very large, affecting everything in an almost 180° radius in front of the player. Build Name: Lifehunt Guardian; Build Level: 120 Call now! All black fashion, all white weapons. I liked the video nice job. Stats Attunement. Cheers! The Lifehunt Scythe is fucking amazing in PvP. Now you have two choices, the +15 Great Scythe or the Lifehunt Scythe. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Bleeding is kind of pointless in PvE, though I can't comment on its usefulness in PvP. Like most 'fighting games', your build/character isn't as important as how you use them. Holy fuck. Weapon buff. Lifehunt Scythe is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.. Scythe born from the soul of Priscilla, the stark white crossbreed trapped inside the painted world of Ariamis. Does anybody knows if there is a situation where it works well or if they're gonna buff it? Very good job on Life Hunt, never seen anyone hit with it, PS: You on PS4? Soz. Aux. I prefer the raw ASS over this though, as this swings a bit slower. If you ignored my warning and are a Dark Souls rookie, DONT TOUCH THE LIFEHUNT SCYTHE. -->Lifehunt Scythe. - The canvas talisman has the right mix of spell buff and prayer poise. I like the movesets and they all are pretty competitive in PvP. Designed especially for slicing. Aldrich dreamt as he slowly devoured the God of the Darkmoon. Be sure to use poise cast with sunless talisman. Steal HP of foes using an illusory scythe -I've done a lot of testing with different weapons/buffs/infusions. Xbox 360 Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. How to Get / Where to Find the Scythe. I'm refering to the MIRACLE not the weapon Buffing will ALWAYS be more powerful, but sometimes it isn't needed/available. This is what I use mostly in the arena. This weapon does obscene damage when raw infused, as it DOESN'T lose it's inherent lightning dmg. 100 The corpse containing the Great Scythe is immediately to the left. This is intended to be used for PvE/CooP and passworded PvP. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Couple things to add. It is marginally more useful in PvP, where bleed weapons such as katanas can be popular. I tried really hard to make it work. Good post. And that's when we have a 1 on 1. They don't cost much FP, force your opponent to dodge around or towards you. -->Wolnir's great sword. My day job is being a scientist, so I use acronyms a lot. Dark Souls 3 - 5 New PVP Techniques (for cool kids™) - Coub - The Biggest Video Meme Platform by Patterz Play nice. I made a longish youtube video linked at the top. 100 Good range but very high starting lag for a weak attack, poor ending lag if the player does not hit anything and almost no horizontal hitbox to speak of with poor tracking. Funnily enough, offensive miracle builds get outspaced/poked/outranged a lot. na verdade lifehunt scythe pode ser usada fortemente em pvp, podendo aniquilar qualquer um, o problema de usa-la é que causa bleeding em vc tambem, é necessario ter uma boa resistência. Hence spears destroy me. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I know the scythe has bleed on and the player gets bleed build up. Param. 14 Lifehunt Scythe. Also benefits with more str/dex. Found Again, this is another "cbf buffing" weapon. -After a sunlight spear/lightning stake point-blank hit, you can follow up with a weapon swing. I never used these two like he did, and I like how your opponent has to make a 50/50 guess on what you are doing. Deals 50 Bleed buildup per hit to the enemy and 40 to the owner. 10.0 The Lifehunt Scythe has greatly reduced ending lag if its hits connect. Throw it out randomly and you'll catch some people. Other spellcasters have fast, cost efficient spells to put pressure on your opponent, make them make mistakes and do chip damage (like farron dart for Int builds or bursting fireball/firesurge for pyros). Skill description Slice into your enemy's life force, dealing 616 Magic Damage.You heal for 1311 Health for the first enemy hit, and an additional 437 for each additional enemy, up to five times. Halberd with a large blade. Pontiff Knight Great Scythe is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. Great scythe wielded by the Pontiff's knights, frigid spirits that linger in Irithyll. This is a first version, nothing's definitive and I await your feedback. Lightning blade can be substituted here if you don't want to participate in silver knight genocide, but it makes that annoying 'crackling' sound, and most people would have a naturally higher resistance to lightning dmg than magic dmg (endurance increases lightning resist, which everyone would level, while DMB is magic dmg, which is increased by intelligence). Dark Souls PlayStation 3 . The most favourite of mine was Morne's greathammer build with overweight. 14 Lifehunt Scythe. You're right. If though what people say is true, I would rather do 750 sunlight spear damage and not get interrupted, than do potentially 850 damage and have a chance of being interrupted. If you can predict a estus chug too, you can preemptively start casting one and catch them mid drink. Wide, horizontal swing. What it does have is much longer range and doesn't put you at risk of bleeding. It is most easily obtained from the second bonfire in the Catacombs. Attacks with this large scythe, normally used for crop harvesting, are effective at breaking past shields. That was truly unexpected for enemies. You need a weapon for a faith build, as there are no cheap 'poking' spells. Lyon Campagne Nuit romantique Suites de charme. This is intended to be used for PvE/CooP and passworded PvP. Ascension only Once inflicted, Bleed damage is 50% of the total health. Forge from a +10 Scythe, Whip,or … (Pick My Build) - Duration: 19:17. Is the lifehunt scythe good for pvp? Slap on DMB or ear cancer and you can push some really high AR. It keeps the spear/washing pole players away with its R2 laser beam and forces them to charge in at you for a quick sunspear to the face. For the optimal PvP (Player verses Player) experience you need to go to certain areas of the game and be at specific levels. one thing i forgot to mention was the Gargoyles tail axe. E Xbox 360 Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. For AoE damage or cc, you would pretty much always want to use lighting storm over Lifehunt Scythe in a pvp format. Katanas or the Great Scythe are recommended because they don't rely on blood loss, you are just scoring when you land it. Oh, yeah! -The rings I use are Morne's and First born (for increased miracle dmg), Sage and Ring of protection. Hitting with lifehunt is so satisfying. Just make sure you wear armor with high bleed resistance (I prefer Chester's set), and use Bloodshield with Bloodbite Ring. I've played with a lot of different combinations of miracles and these are the ones I use, in order of use: --> Darkmoon blade. The Lifehunt Scythe's bleed buildup on the user can be largely lowered if used in conjunction with the Bloodbite Ring or the Bloodshield. Like others have said, you HAVE to use a talisman + unfaltering prayer WA in PvP. In this dream, he perceived the form of a young, pale girl in hiding. Some people have trouble dodging it too, as it travels oddly. -->Raw Dragonslayer axe. Makes it great for faith builds that have sunlight spear/Lightning stake to nuke on trades. Vertical swing. -->Canvas talisman. I put 50+ hours into a fairly successful faith build, so I'll share my thoughts (PvP centric, as in PvE, anything is viable): -Don't bother with faith at lower levels. But nothing works for me as Invader. Great Scythe is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. Requires: Demon Titanite and 2,000 souls per upgrade. If one hits, it might only do 100-200 dmg, but that's FREE dmg. High starting lag and relatively high ending lag. Once you get a feel for the FP/stamina usages of your spells, you'll know when to take a quick look at your levels. Keep in mind that I can only make rather superficial changes. This weapon is an absolute monster with high faith and has the greatsword moveset/length. Accueil; Tarifs; Appartements . Wouldn't you be sacrificing a bit too much damage using the sunlight talisman, over canvas? 6.0 -Don't go over 60 faith. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Gallery The Lifehunt Scythe is created by ascending any +10 halberd or whip at the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo, with the Soul of Priscilla and 5,000 souls. Thank you so much for this! Eff. Atualizada diariamente por membros do mundo todo. I know this because I got destroyed by some guy in the arena that had no armour and only a broken straight sword :/. However, if someone did happen to really want to play this in PvP, I would recommend playing as if you are a very reactive pickaxe user. Found at the bottom of Sen's Fortress, behind the Titanite Demon in the small room. I switch between that and gotthard's on a regen build i use with blessed weapon. But all in all, it's a bloody fun build. However, one false swing leaves one wide open. Via: ... able to hit through walls also makes this reaping sweep effective for harvesting the heads of foes in both PVE and PVP despite having quite a short-range. so ive been getting more into pvp on my newgame+, and my main weapon is friedes scythe. Req. At high level pvp the weapon easily meets its master, even if the opponent has no armor at all he will possibly have to eat 4-5 hits to receive the blood loss, most 1on1s don't last that long. I suggest you look up gameconomists optimized cleric build. Has an extended slashing reach when swung broadly, but beware, these attacks make the wielder very vulnerable." However, if someone did happen to really want to play this in PvP, I would recommend playing as if you are a very reactive pickaxe user. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Spells point blank is where your chunky dmg comes from. if you offhand that weapon your bleed resistance is just about doubled. It doesn't. RoP can be swapped out if you want. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. by Derpwraith on Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:49 am. The others can't. Player steps forward while swinging horizontally. Does anybody knows if there is a situation where it works well or if they're gonna buff it? Also, also, it's a HARD way to play. I have done this, tested it in PvP, and Lifehunt Scythe deals an average of 600-700 damage against players, while giving you a heal of around 125. 22 I like to have variety with weapons, so I usually pick one of these: -->Lightning infused Red Hilted Halberd. Bleeding is kind of pointless in PvE, though I can't comment on its usefulness in PvP. Menu Skip to content. My lvl 120 sorcere, and my sl120 faith build works nicely in pvp, people two shot me with ugs special or 3 shot if basic attack, but i two shot them back with both sunlight spear, and lifehunt scythe, i honestly see no problem beeing a spellcaster at 120, you dont need a freaking ugs as a spellcaster, just a quick weapon if necessary. I don't go into any fights now without some sort of ranged option (crossbow, knives, bombs, etc.). We are an expert in lifehunt scythe build - Experienced Landscape Management Company This also loses to running-washing-pole spammers and top meta builds. It can be removed by stocking and using Bloodred Moss Clumps. 14 The Lifehunt Scythe is created by ascending any +10 halberd or whip at the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo, with the Soul of Priscilla and 5,000 souls. Scythe is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. The Great Scythe is very similar to the Lifehunt Scythe, possessing near-identical stats and an identical moveset. Jumps swinging horizontally in front of the player. Post n°1; Lifehunt Scythe. So I can't talk for OP but even though I knew everything you just said, when I finally got DMB I didn't give a fuck I used it religiously on everything. Very wide hitbox (almost 360° around the player) and long reach. If you want help making your own build, you can consult this useful page on how to make a build by Blaine.. On the other hand, it inflicts less buildup on opponents and deals slightly less base physical damage. The Great Scythe holds the advantage over the Lifehunt Scythe of not having self-bleed buildup, as well as being enchantable. This is why I like Raw ASS, as it swings really fast. it gets 262 phys dmg, and 210 lightning dmg. It's for long/medium-long distances. The ‘meta’ level cap that is widely used by the community is usually 125 or 150. Good poke, good range, good moveset overall and decent damage. I am splitting damage when buffing the axe with DMB, but fashion souls! We are an expert in lifehunt scythe build - Experienced Landscape Management Company I cant seem to find it. I mainly use those weapons though because I like them. The Lifehunt Scythe is a halberd in Dark Souls. Almost no starting lag, low ending lag, good hitbox but average range. This has a ridiculous AoE and hits hard. Probably gonna mess around with these spells a bit more now. Vertical swing. Don't sleep on lothric holy sword for PVP. I never had my team lose the 10 or so times I did it before I got bored. Even the Gods feared Priscilla's lifehunt ability, and in the hands … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maybe a little here and there for healing, but for offensive miracles, you need 50+ faith for decent damage. It has a weird hit box and can sometimes catch rolls. Use it as a defensive measure when people are attacking you with a running attack or trying to close in on you/ or r1 spam. It makes up for this by having both the highest Bleed buildup speed (against the target) in the game and the highest blood loss damage in the game (tied with Priscilla's Dagger at 50% of total hit points). The magnificent sharp curved blade instills fear … - I use this way too much for fashion souls purposes. Dark Souls PlayStation 3 . One is in the video (oni+uda) and another time was against an ultra-greatsword. These are some fun duels I had over the Christmas break while I was still playing around with the build. Sunlight spear and lightning stake use a lot of stamina. Wide, horizontal swing. 30.0 Some starting lag, with a medium level of ending lag for a strong attack. This tactic doesn't work so much with 'hit and run' playstyles (thrusting swords for example), because they can poke and roll away before the spell connects. ). I wouldn't rely on this too much though, as the weird hit box can miss often. If you guys want a more updated version of the build, I can make another faith video. I love telling my wife that I "just rekt some kid with my glowing raw ASS". 40.0 I also tried a pure dark miracles build, with the Sunless talisman, and that was not viable at all. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed.
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