Falcon. 229,152 111. His evade counter is great, super reliable and always there when I need it. Best champion in the game? Doctor Doom. I think stealthy is definitely number 3 but yes after that then it’s where everything’s up for discussion, Falcon is now above blade, bruh we need to calm down when it comes to these minor champ buffs. Elsa Bloodstone. Suggested Defenders. Here MCOC Characters are divided into Top Tier Champs and Bottom Tier based on Utility(Immune & Control Champions), Damage(Hard Hitter Champions), Sustainability(Regeneration & Perfect Block Champions). 2. Second best champ in the game? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Following are Top Best of Best Defenders that you can consider (1st preference/choice) for maxed rank. Otherwise, good list. yes!!!! We also have a new facebook chat! Click Here To View Top 10 Champs Per Class, Click Here To View Best 4 star, 5 star & 6 star champs to rankup, Click Here To View Alliance War Defense Placement + Attack Team Guide, Best Champions to use Awakening Gem Guide, Omega Red (Duped + High Sigs + Suicide Mastery) [Imp Note - Rank Up Omega Red to maxed if you are planning to unlock suicide mastery otherwise don't Rank Up him...], Quake (Rank Up - If you know how to use her). Doctor Doom. Your email address will not be published. He IS a skill Corvus, just without the Glaive’s immortality mechanic. 10 Videos de Fantasmas que te Harán Apartar la Vista, [다시보기]신현수, 완강하더니 왜 마음 변했나│2021년 2월 22일 뉴스TOP10, TRY TO KNOCK ME OUT!! Mojo. I write this article for helping purpose, so don’t make a copy of this and republish it on your blog/website; otherwise, be ready for Copyright Strike. I would also love to see more consideration about how cavalier buffs affect the meta. Your email address will not be published. Today we are checking out an uber cool game called Extinction …. You don’t really actually throw many 3 hit combos, it’s more like a 2 hit combo, backdraft, 5 hit combo, to drop your suicide debuffs, then you’re rolling. Armor break stays up, Disorient stays up, bleed and crit bleed stays up. Buff Result: TBD — Honestly, they could do anything and it would be better than Falcon’s current state. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. December 2020! Alliance War Defender Suggestion (Defensive Tier List) Path 1. Mobile Game. Hope you guys agree , but if you dont, please tell me what you would have ranked differently! Welcome to the flagship Android MCOC experience. Black Widow (DO) & Gwenpool (Tie Between these champs) Top 10 Skill Champions (For AW Defense Placement | MCOC Best Defenders) Nick Fury. Shame you ranked hit-monkey above her when you seem to not even like hit monkey. Buffs. Hi Raghu, fyi, Offensive … taskmaster!!!!! Just missing Corvus and Darkhawk, but other than that it's a decent list.. Indomitable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Path 2. TOP 10 Skill Champions In MCOC! Required fields are marked *. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is famous for ", Lagacy is also the most popular MCOC YouTuber + Part of the MCOC Content Creator Team as well as. Path 5. Marvel Contest Of Champions. Path 3. Keep in mind the following things before upgrade any champs : 1) Upgrade champs in following combination; champ who is best attacker + defender … Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A very fragile glass cannon. My account looks as good as yours I’m 12.89k prestige. You’re missing out on Hit-Monkey. Summoners! Mandalorian: elmandalorian. Sabretooth.
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