They all take their leave from Winston and go on. The Maze Runner Wiki is a free, public and collaborative encyclopedia dedicated to James Dashner's young-adult dystopian science fiction Maze Runner Trilogy that anyone can edit! On TheTopTens, Newt is ranked #1 on the site's list of Best Maze Runner Characters, as well as #1 on Movie Characters We Didn't Want to Die and #27 on Best Young Adult Book Characters. Menu. Newt is unable to get to the berg due to being infected by the Flare, leading Minho and Gally to run to the berg to get the serum from Brenda. Newt and the other Gladers trekked towards the abandoned city in hopes of finding food and water there. While Thomas wandered the building in search of Teresa, Newt waited with the other Gladers in the dorm that were sleeping in. He is shown to be quite sensitive, especially as a child, and struggles to continue when Alby is killed. With full force, he told them to leave immediately. Thomas fights Newt and stabs him in the chest with a knife. Cranks were not allowed to even walk in the city. Thomas meets Newt [The Maze Runner]#MazeRunner #Thomas #NewtVideo: Fox Outro Music: One Way by Daniel Heath Newt was described as being rather tall and muscular, with blond hair that came down over his shoulders and a square jaw. | » W A R N I N G: major spoilers ahead; read at your own risk. Lawrence tells Thomas that the way into the WCKD Tower is impossible. At some point, he befriends Alby and Minho, and they start sneaking out of their rooms at night to goof off together. Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Newt. Gally tells Newt that he, Thomas, and Frypan left him to die and that if he and his crew hadn't found them, Brenda, and Jorge, they would be dead. While carrying Newt into a train station, Thomas hears Teresa telling him that his blood can cure Newt like it did Brenda. Gally takes command and has Teresa tied to the pole and attempts to have Thomas tied to the pole. While hiding behind garden beds, Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Gally see the battle between the WCKD soldiers and Lawrence's crew. Thomas finds Newt sitting on a rooftop. The Glue While Minho and Gally talk to each other, Thomas carries Newt off into the Last City. On the way back to Lawrence's hideout, Newt, Thomas, and Gally hide from the WCKD soldiers. While he can be stern, he definitely cares very deeply for his fellow Gladers and has their best interests at heart. I know that he dies by the flare and Thomas. Lawrence tells Thomas that he, Newt, and Gally can go into the Last City while Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge stay behind. Unseen people shoot at them. Thomas fights Newt and stabs him in the chest with a knife. Against the orders of the Right Arm resistance led by the newly sworn Vince, the three leave their camp base to rescue their immune friend Minho, who is being tested by the … And he learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other. Alby (deceased)MinhoGallyFrypanChuck (deceased)Winston (deceased)Jeff (deceased)Zart (deceased)Clint (deceased)Ben (formerly, deceased)Jack (deceased)ThomasTeresa Agnes (deceased)Aris JonesBrendaJorgeHarrietVinceMary Cooper (deceased)Lawrence (deceased) "Well, at least you didn't bloody roll over and die, Tommy,", "Shuck it, I've never seen so many shanks acting like teat-sucking babies. Newt, Jorge, and the other Gladers escaped the tower, but were separated from Thomas and Brenda during the evacuation. Newt and the other Gladers trekked towards the abandoned city in hopes of finding food and water there. He got out of the van and ran straight to Newt. They make it to the Griever Hole, and while Newt and the others fight off the Grievers (many losses), Teresa and Chuck enter the code and open the door. Friends/Allies Brenda and Jorge arrive to rescue them. In the films, Newt is played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who portrayed him with short hair and a distinctly English accent. Newt, Thomas, and Teresa take the elevator to find Minho. He is aware of the fact that he is not an Immune. Unnamed father (deceased)Unnamed mother (deceased)Sonya (younger sister) Read Newt [1] from the story The Maze Runner Imagines by xxkasai with 24,277 reads. 4.5 out of 5 stars (115) 115 reviews. Occupation They are Sonya and Harriet, the two leading girls from Group B, who now belong to the Right Arm. Newt reveals that the reason WCKD put him in the Maze was because they wanted to tell the difference between immunes like Thomas and people like himself. Newt tells Thomas that they need to get Minho out of the WCKD tower. The next day, in Lawrence's hideout, Newt, Thomas, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge go over plans to use Teresa to get into the WCKD tower. In The Maze Runner, Newt was first introduced as being Second-in-Command to Alby. Their conversation was interrupted by a Hispanic leader of the Cranks named Jorge, who questioned the Gladers of their purpose in the Scorch. Newt, Thomas, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge arrive in Lawrence's hideout. These imagines can follow the story line of Maze Runner or can be off. The Maze Runner Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Thomas was then dropped back off to his group and they continued to the safe haven. Goals Later, Newt and the other Gladers emerged to the surface and found themselves in the wasteland called the Scorch, where Thomas noticed an abandoned city a far distance away. Two heavily armed girls with their faces hidden with scarfs threaten them, but then they recognize Aris and immediately drop weapons and veils. He wakes up in the Pit, observed by Newt, Teresa, and Chuck. Newt, Thomas, Gally walk through the tunnels where Gally approaches a generator and turns the lightbulbs on so he can lead Newt and Thomas through the tunnels. Newt reveals to Thomas that he has been infected by the Flare, as revealed by the black veins on his right arm. Thomas complied, and the Gladers entered the Flat Trans and were taken underground. Alby introduces Thomas to Newt and tells him that he will be in charge when Alby is not around. Janson joins them in the elevator and talks to Teresa, but then realizes that Newt and Thomas are in the elevator, but Newt, Thomas, and Teresa manage to escape. Newt The Maze Runner Imagines - From best friends to lovers (Newt imagine) Read From best friends to lovers (Newt imagine) from the story The Maze Runner Imagines by an0123 (Just An Omaha Girl) with 2,993 reads. At the hideout, a member of the crew takes his mask off and reveals himself to be Gally. But someone had to be first, right? They find themselves in a warehouse, surrounded by chained Cranks. Lawrence tells Thomas that the way into the WCKD tower is impossible. ", "You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy? In The Maze Runner, Newt says that they always send the Greenies to the Slicers as their first job. Afterwards, Jorge led Newt and the Gladers through the abandoned city and eventually constructed a camp near the outskirts. While Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are led to Lawrence's hideout by Gally, Newt is told by Gally that he was found lying on the floor of the WCKD lab with the spear still in his chest by Lawrence's crew, who, after discovering that he is immune to the Flare, pulled the spear out of his chest and took him to the Last City, where Lawrence patched him up and convinced him to join his crew. It's an ambush. After a while, they hear a gunshot, Winston has killed himself. Mountain people. Meanwhile, Gally has taken command over the Gladers. It’s asking fandoms and people in the fandoms. Onboard the Berg, Newt and the other Gladers celebrated their success. Thomas complied, and the Gladers entered the Flat Trans and were taken underground. The maze runner Newt necklace, the maze runner necklace, Newt letter PrettyJewelrByJuliya. ... [Thomas reading Newt's letter] Dear Thomas, this is the first letter I could remember writing. Newt tells Thomas about breaking his leg [The Death Cure DELETED Scene]#TheDeathCure #Thomas #NewtVideo: Fox Outro Music: One Way by Daniel Heath Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Gally manage to escape. Janson holds them at gunpoint, but Teresa manages to let Newt and Thomas go to find Minho while she goes to do a blood test on Thomas' blood. Newt is separated from his sister and placed with other Group A members. Powers/Skills Type of Hero Thomas, at first, refuses to follow Gally, but Gally tells him that he can get him, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge through the walls. Character and actor have also received generally positive reception from critics, with critics often calling him one of the better characters. With Thomas's help, Newt manages to visit Lizzy a short time before the beginning of the Maze Trials. Newt also manages to sne… "Alright, it's like you've heard, yeah? That was Alby. Newt wrote a small note for Thomas to read "when the time is right". When they get out of the pool, four WCKD soldiers approach them and tell them to surrender, but one of them shoots the other three, takes his helmet off, and reveals himself to be Gally. What the hell does that mean?". Newt, Teresa, Jeff, and Clint watch over Alby while Gally takes Thomas to the Pit. He felt helpless. At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Newt, Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Chuck, Winston, Jeff, and Clint hide in the Council Hall from the Grievers. Adventure Romance Love Runner Maze Newt ... Sarcasm Alby Minho Sass Maze Runner The Maze Runner Tmr. Here, they have their first real contact with Cranks, who hunt them; but they manage to escape again. He had a limp from his attempted suicide, during which he climbed one of the walls in the Maze and leaped off it. While carrying Newt into a train station, Thomas hears Teresa telling him that his blood can cure Newt like it did Brenda. No, I don't think so. Portrayed by When the Mazes are finally up and running, Newt, Minho, and Alby find out that Thomas and Teresa are not entering the Maze with them, contrary to what they thought. ", "Don't be a twat about it. He cries, wondering why WICKED … Newt (Maze Runner)/Original Character(s) (8) Brenda/Thomas (Maze Runner) (5) Newt Scamander/Reader (4) Newt Scamander/You (4) Newt (Maze Runner)/Original Female Character(s) (4) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (36) Reader-Insert (16) Angst (15) Smut (15) Romance (13) One Shot (9) Friendship (8) Because we're all in this together. Newt, Thomas, Gally walk through the tunnels where Gally approaches a generator and turns the lightbulbs on so he can lead Newt and Thomas through the tunnels. He always tried to look out for his friends and seemed the most upset by the deaths during The Scorch Trials. The next day, Thomas tells Newt, Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff that he and Teresa worked for WCKD and created the Maze. A thunderstorm surprises them one night, and they can barely make it to the next city. Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge arrive in a building. Hobby The next day, Newt is present when Thomas, Minho, and Alby return to the Glade. The maze runner Newt necklace, the maze runner necklace, Newt letter PrettyJewelrByJuliya. High quality The Maze Runner Newt gifts and merchandise. Thomas reminds Newt of when Gally killed Chuck. When Gally stops Thomas from walking into the Maze, Newt and the Gladers join Gally in stopping Thomas from walking into the Maze. He tells Thomas that it was all his fault that Newt tried to kill himself and asks him to kill him to make up for all the pain he caused Newt. "Thomas, listen to me. Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Brenda arrive and see Newt's dead body. He had a limp from his attempted suicide, during which he climbed one of the walls in the Maze and leapt off it. They bring the group to their camp and introduce them to Vince, the leader of the Right Arm. Yelling at Thomas.Saying 'bloody'.Calling Thomas 'Tommy'. Newt tells Thomas that he remembers that Gally was stung by a Griever and half out of his mind. Newt helps Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Harriet, Vince, and the Right Arm rescue Aris, Sonya, and a group of Immune kids and take them to their new hideout. Newt gives his necklace to Thomas before passing out. When they get out of the pool, four WCKD soldiers approach them and tell them to surrender, but one of them shoots the other three, takes his helmet off, and reveals himself to be Gally. Newt rushes over to stop Thomas from punching Gally. When Thomas and Teresa discover that Minho has been moved up to the medical wing, they and Newt go to find him, while Gally takes the teenagers and the vials of serum that he had taken out of the vault to Brenda. At night, when Thomas leaves the hideout to go to the Last City to rescue Minho, Newt and Frypan join him. Newt and Minho immediately questioned why Thomas did not return with her, but Thomas told them she told him to part from her. Gally tells Newt that he, Thomas, and Frypan left him to die and that if he and his crew hadn't found them, Brenda, and Jorge, they would be dead. Type maze runner, maze runner, newt, newt, maze runner newt, page 250, page 250, page 250, maze runner series, maze runner episode, movie, tv, book series, book, maze runner, maze, silhouette, we do not speak of page 250, speak of page 250, the glue, the glue newt, the glue a5, a5 newt. 1 and ran into the Maze without being a Runner, but who also survived a night in the Maze what had never been done before, killed a Griever (likewise), and saved Alby's life. Maze Runner Boyfriend 10 Questions - Developed by: Cinnie - Developed on: 2014-11-01 - 149,787 taken - User Rating: 2.1 of 5 - 11 votes - 31 people like it Which character from The Maze Runner would be your boyfriend. The Maze Runner How did Newt get the flare? Newt is portrayed by Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who also portrays Sam in Love Actually and Red Nose Day Actually, Simon Brown in Nanny McPhee, Jojan Reed in Game of Thrones, and Benny Watts in The Queen's Gambit, and voices Ferb Fletcher in Phineas and Ferb and John Tracy in Thunderbirds Are Go. Thomas agrees. She is not allowed to see her brother, but unbeknownst to her, Newt often sneaks around at night and spies through a window into her dorm, making sure she is all right. Alby/Newt (Maze Runner) (179) Minho & Thomas (Maze Runner) (161) Teresa Agnes/Thomas (Maze Runner) (159) Teresa Agnes/Brenda (Maze Runner) (124) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (971) Angst (701) Alternate Universe (461) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (407) Hurt/Comfort (270) Newt gives his necklace to Thomas before passing out. Thanks for being my friends. Newt tells Thomas that they need to get Minho out of the WCKD Tower. This day usually falls on September 7th, except during leap years, in which Newt Day will be on September 6th. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Add to library 922 Discussion 169. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Newt is present when Thomas arrives in the Glade. I'm already in. Someone had to have spent a whole month in the Glade alone. While they were in the city, Newt was alone in the berg. After hearing a scream from the shack, Newt and Minho instructed Thomas to investigate. Later, Teresa, who has woken up and fled to the tower, throws rocks at Newt and the Gladers, but Thomas stops her and goes up to talk to her, while Newt and the Gladers leave. Thomas was then dropped back off to his group and they continued to the safe haven. Newt understands and puts a gun in his hands. Newt was described as being rather tall and muscular, with blonde hair that came down over his shoulders and a square jaw. While Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are led to Lawrence's hideout by Gally, Newt is told by Gally that he was found lying on the floor of the WCKD lab with the spear still in his chest by Lawrence's crew, who, after discovering that he is immune to the Flare, pulled the spear out of his chest and took him to the Last City, where Lawrence patched him up and convinced him to join his crew. Newt ". Newt is Sonya's older brother, Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Aris, Brenda, Jorge, Harriet, and Vince's best friend, the second-in-command of the Gladers, and the tritagonist in the Maze Runner trilogy. When Lawrence asks Thomas why he should trust him, Thomas tells him that WCKD has something they both want. Newt and the group watched as a berg brought Thomas aboard to remove the bullet wound he received from the Crank, Blondie. Gally offers to help them get into the Last City. 17–19 While Gally enters the WCKD Tower through the parking garage, Newt, Thomas, and Teresa enter the WCKD Tower through the main entrance. Newt tells Gally that WCKD has Minho in the Last City and that he, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are looking for a way in. Some time later, he and the other kids are given a brain implant that will allow WICKED to monitor their brain activity. Alias Thomas agrees and shakes Lawrence's hand. Lawrence tells Thomas that he, Newt, and Gally can go into the Last City while Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge stay behind. Eventually, Newt and the other Gladers succeeded in defeating the Cranks and left.
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