Anyone interested in the Bible should read this seminal magazine. A great start to a new line. I love having three ribbon markers. It is fast closing in as my favorite Bible. The best font of any bible I’ve come across! The Bible comes equipped with three scrawny dark ribbons inappropriately spaced. There are three ribbons to mark places in the Bible. “Custom Sword”. Text block: Schuyler wins this category hands down. Yes, it is one of the largest bibles I have owned (along with the ESV Study Bible) However, this bible is such a pleasure to read! Buy It Now. The dry stamped cross on the cover is just class and is the simple gilted letters on the spine. The firebrick red goatskin leather is more subdued than R.L. Oct 5, 2014 - Schuyler’s KJV Reference Bible is their edition of one of my favorite KJV’s ever published – the TBS Westminster. This Bible is unique in that it has some of the most important creeds (they call them confessions) of the Christian Church – some of which are 1,600 years old! Both are excellent reviews and there is no need for repetition of their fine work here I still like my Schuyler, but I will be leaning toward an Allan for my next purchase. A lot of resources in this Bible that make it a great study Bible to have around in the King James Overall this has to be one of the best books I own period. Schuyler Quentel ESV Bible: Goatskin, black. The good thing about this bible is the paper…I love it. Allan ribbons are longer and wider, if that matters. I was surprised to learn that the company has its origins in grass roots efforts by a church … The leather is smooth but strong and the binding is first class. The synthetic lining doesn’t detract at all from the beauty. I could actually break from work to read this Bible which when open, lies almost completely flat, without turning on an artificial lighting source. The gilding on my particular Bible is immaculate. Not so here. It balances nicely in the hand and is a joy to read. Turning to the first page of John, one of my favorites, I’m noticing something nice. There are those who might prefer a full leather lining for future editions, but I enjoyed their decision to go with synthetic. I was delighted when I heard that Quentel was debuting in NASB. At first, I felt the type was too small and not dark enough. I am not a flashy sort of guy so red seemed a little over the top to order. I guess I have been spoiled by the very soft and luxurious leather that R.L. It is about the same size as the TBS Westminster. Considering the overwhelming majority of people do not walk to church, the size and weight is not an issue. There are three premier brands today that I know of, Cambridge Press, Schuyler(skyler), and R. L. Allan. The cons: The NKJV fell short of my expectations and I returned it. The only place you will find less bleedthrough on a Bible is in a pulpit Bible. The 4 ribbons I feel are of a very good quality, but as a result of the placement of the ribbons at times they become somewhat less of a benefit. Page opacity is a growing issue for me, given that as I age and my “floaters” become more present in my vision, opacity is just as important for me as the font size. After about 20 minutes with a cramp in my arm took its toll. Then the Imperial blue goatskin caught my eyes; it seemed to the same shade of blue as my blue R.L. I have about 22 Bibles that I use on a regular basis but since receiving this one I have not picked up any of the others. The Cantara goatskin is very attractive, and the cover is a bit stiffer than an Allan, but limber enough to be held perfectly and lie open for easy reading (I intend to use this in the pulpit). It is a desk bible not a portable bible, as it is the size of a standard ESV SB. Soon Allan will have a similar new classic reference Bible with same paper, leather lined, but minus the creeds/confessions/catechisms. Thank you The goatskin is a beautiful, rich red and the edge stitching gives it a wonderful finished appearance. Of course the Allan NASB is a great move as well. I like the fact that Schuyler went in a different direction which is the reason I bought it. The cover is excellent and the lining inside is very sturdy and makes it tremendously flexible. I have never felt this kind of paper before. Actually it is two bricks. Interior: The Hamner House was much roomier than we expected it to be and was in excellent condition. I concur with others about what this Bible is. Look at the blue picture and you’ll see what I mean. Free returns. The Quentel cover is not as finish of a product as Allan and Cambridge especially around the inside corners, in fact, my bible did not have uniform corners. I suppose if you are going to have generous font sizes and lots of white space around the page, you have to pay the price somewhere. The attention to detail is flawless. Beautiful cover, you have to see it in person to appreciate it. I am really excited by the quality of Schuyler’s Bibles, this Bible is on the same level as the Allan Long primer. I am very fond of a single-column format, but the fact that the notes and references are located at the bottom of the page, leaves plenty of room for two very substantial columns. It has a generous yapp with stitching around the perimeter. I love it. This bible was worth the money. 3. Schuyler wins. It’s thick and heavy. I make a habit of researching and purchasing through an arduous process of exploration. I consider the size of this bible to be a “pro”. Very attractive and tasteful. Posts about Bible Reviews written by Bob Snyder. Luxury for Gods Word, Thank God for mine. I doubt any flaws would even show up under a jeweler’s loop. There are some glaring differences between Schuyler and Allan bibles. If I wanted a thin line or personal size bible, I would have bought one of those instead. It looks as good, or better than, the Allan. The look and feel of the pages are very nice, and there is no wrinkling in the gutter! Schuyler is a name I see more and more in the premium Bible market. for Quite some time and the Quentel is actually one quarter inch shorter, three quarter inches narrower, while being only one half inch thicker than the Ryrie. The imperial blue cover with the debossed Jerusalem Cross is beautiful. I just had to email you. Schuyler Quentel Black Calfskin NKJ Holy Bible (Black Letter) Large Print [Schuyler Bibles] on IMO, the font is nice and legibility is very good, though maybe not as extraordinary as some of the early previews seemed to indicate. I can say that “brick” is an inaccurate statement. I feel most blessed to have it. A job excellently done, EB!!! The layout is brilliant and very well done. I can say without a doubt that this is the best Bible I have ever owned. There are splashes of red on the page specifically the chapter numbers, book title and numbers (top of page), the thin red line at the bottom of each page separating the text from the cross references, and also the chapter and verses in the concordance. by Bruce Arthur Adams (3 Star), The Font is large enough; the margin space is roomy for a lot of notes. There is a detailed explanation on how to use the references on the Explanation Features section. Very little ghosting as the paper weight is sufficient and the printers have done their best to line up the printing on the opposite side of the pages. It stays open, the pages lay flat and the text is clear and easy to follow. The paper and print is the best I have come across and I have purchased well over a dozen high end bibles. My only negative with this Bible, is that it doesn’t have profile pages; such as a family tree, births, deaths, marriages etc. But the trade off is worth it – Large, bold, beautiful print with plenty of space for notes and to discover and make my OWN cross-references. !” One person even said, “I’m going to have to take my glasses OFF!” So good job on that. What ultimately made my decision was deciding what I was looking for in this bible. On opening its sturdy storage box for the first time, I thought, “No wonder this book is so expensive! I think a quote from a pastor friend of mine sums up this Bible, “This is a preachers The text is very readable with a sharp digital font that’s printed with line-matching. They don’t make them like this anymore.” The quality color maps are exceptional; talk about eye candy that is easy to read! Beautiful and well made, the color of the fire brick red is awesome- not too light nor too dark. Second, the paper quality is very good. I have purchased the Allan Bibles and Cambridge Bibles. I also like that it has 4 ribbons, which is really good for me since I like using McCheyne’s Bible Reading Plan. What immediately struck me is that this is a big Bible. The paper is a lovely color, soft ivory, which is easy on the eyes, and the texture is soft. The biggest trade off is the bigness of the book. It’s a double column, cross-reference bible. Not only does this just make sense rationally. Initially, I was bit underwhelmed by the exterior. This is a well built Bible with the benefit of a large font easy to read. The heavier india paper combines with the larger typeface and very readable font to make the Quentel a delight to read from. The three ribbon markers are a fancy benefit! The provided link is not associated with an affiliate program. Each book of the bible begins on a new page, another attractive detail in the layout. I have been reading mostly sitting at a desk and have had absolutely no difficulty reading. But overall, I’m very pleased. I also like the Allan’s overhang (yapp), but that’s a matter of preference. Just get one! Please take a look and leave a comment if you’d like. The three ribbon markers are a fancy benefit! This bible by itself easily earns an easy 5 stars. In my opinion, for reading and legibility, this is the perfect bible format. The text is clear, little ghosting and very readable. View 0 reviews Bryson Chewning — My first and only Schuyler Bible is the first edition Canterbury KJV in brown calfskin. The concordance seems odd with the red letter text citations; maybe it will grow on me. Check out the Archaeology Study Bible Review Here. Now no more unravelling. This Bible looks as good, if not better than the website photos (mine is Black). The paper’s opacity […] Having seen some other folks’ remarks, I know now that this is just the way this Bible came from the bindery. We have multiple consumer reviews, photos and opening hours. I have also noted the high quality paper that is used and how simply and accurately it is to flip through the pages to find one’s verse. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Holy Bible Pilgrim Edition at I can’t see plastic when leather works fine. That’s not to say the Schuyler binding is sub-par at all. by Kim Shay (5 Star), This is my third bible from this site, others being the Allan Reference ESV and the Omega Goatskin ESV, and I have to say this is the most beautiful and amazing bible I have ever owned. The references are very helpful for personal study. Thicker than the Cambridge Clarion NKJV (which I also love but for different reasons) yet it still feels like Bible paper – not like thick textbook paper. Which is a good thing. Perfect size and type set is very good as well. This Bible fixes that problem. Like I said… these are definitely NOT deal breakers… this IS one of the finest bibles ever made. Would love to see a NASB version, although I love the concordance and reference system, they are simply outstanding. In the back of the Bible, there is a wonderful feature, the Concordance. Schuyler Quentel Black Calfskin NKJ Holy Bible (Black Letter) Large Print Allan Longprimer has to surrender the layout crown over to the new king” the Schuyler Quentel”. There is plenty of white space all around the page and no text slips into a tight spot in the gutter. I highly doubt I will ever use or buy another bible again. You will never again need to buy another Bible with these. I’ve done reviews of Cambridge Bibles. A triumph! The only other thing would be the doubling up of the ribbons. Overall I would give it six stars! I like the combo of blue goatskin with blue under silver gilt. The two most obvious comparisons of this Bible are the Cambridge Pitt Minion and the Cambridge Clarion. 2K/Denmark, Bible Review, Black, Double Column, Goatskin, Jongbloed, KJV, Milo, Schuyler, Wide Margin J Mark Bertrand December 04, 2019 5 Comments In a market packed with Bibles designed for recording both the thoughts and the artistic expressions inspired by your reading, is there still a place for traditional wide margin editions? If you are wondering if you should get the NKJV Clarion or the Schuyler…get the Schuyler! The exterior of the Quentel looks and feels very similar to my goatskin Cambridge NIV study bible but a bit softer because of the leather lining. The Allan cover is classier with a double gold border imprinted on the inside; the Schuyler cover should be more durable due to its stitched perimeter. KJV Firebrick Red Goatskin: I received my beautiful red Schuyler KJV in record time (to Australia). The paper quality and print quality are second to none (and I own nearly 20 high end bibles) There is almost ZERO ghosting or bleed through and the pages are so thick it is quite easy to move quickly through the bible and flip from page to page. There are several types of cross-references used in this Bible, it may sound complicated… it’s not. Schuyler NKJV Quentel in navy blue calfskin. The size is great for a preacher in the pulpit. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a very well designed bible. It’s beautiful, definitely in the same league as Allan, and the kind of Bible you love to pick up and handle. 804.379.2081. The red chapter letters are nice and not too bold. The goatskin is an attractive pebble grain which looks sharp in blue. The grain of the leather is quite attractive, and the leather itself is very soft and supple making the Bible itself remarkably flexible. It’s a wonderful desk bible, and in my opinion, not too large to take to church if you really wanted to. The goatskin cover is as good as the Cambridge and the Allan goatskins. which are excellent well crafted bibles, but this is the guy right here. The goatskin is thick, leather-lined and beautiful and it feels like the paper is better than the TBS one. It is of unsurpassed quality in my opinion. Schuyler Bibles are actually printed and bound by Royal Jongbloed, in the Netherlands. However, I am slightly underwhelmed. It has proved very helpful to $17.49. I can’t begin to explain how much it irks me when a new book starts on the same page as the prior book (like the Clarion NKJV – WHY do they DO that?!!?). This is my first Schuyler Bible. Upon comparing the Quentel side by side with R.L. Every word of the Quentel is highly legible, including the footnotes and cross-references. Now the positives. Still I love this Bible. Or better yet, just use a concordance and let the Holy Spirit guide and teach me! This is a fantastic bible. I can read it!! Clear, bold, modern, and free of clutter. This Bible is not that big. The Binding is a bit tight and strongly reinforced, so the book does not lay flat at the beginning and end like an Allan. The ribbons are excellent quality but they are bunched together by twos in the spine. While researching this Bible I read the word “brick” several times in reference to its size. without subheadings, references, etc., but at the same time remains practical for Bible … Beautiful leather, soft and sturdy. The 45 gsm and the line matching is far superior to anything I’ve seen from Allan in the way of legibility. Bible Review, Cambridge, Schuyler, Allan, NLT Tim Wildsmith 1/21/21 Bible Review, Cambridge, Schuyler, Allan, NLT Tim Wildsmith 1/21/21. Once they see it I am sure they will want one. This bible absolutely represents the finest quality in bible making in the world. In the United States it is used for both boys and girls, typically with the alternative phonetic spellings Skylar and Skyler. Initially I thought it was distracting – but it adds class. Amen to that. The Goatskin cover is extremely nice, and the 36-GSM paper feels and looks great. A sharp pair of fine scissors and 60 seconds will fix the flakey glue problem. It is slightly thinner paper (about ten percent thinner) but the opacity is supposed to be the same as this NASB Quentel. by Norman Shepherd (4 Star), Wonderful Bible- rivals RL Allan in quality. When I opened the box, I was greeted with the delightful rich smell of leather. I love a well bound Bible, but this Bible could be a great work horse too with the durability and vast amount of study material. It is the same size as my Lockman Foundation’s NASB SCR (9×6). The pages turn easily and quietly, this was not the case with my last bible, which had significant dimpling in the gutter. by ann mcmahon (5 Star), I was on the fence about ordering this one, I can honestly say it wasn’t what I expected. like it better than all my Allan’s, which is no knock on them! If this Bible doesn’t please you and actually make you happy to hold it, I don’t think you’ll ever find one that will. The paper is very nice and a great cream color, the print a nice font and easy to read. The thickness of the paper makes it very easy to turn pages, the text is SO EASY to read. There is nothing in the aforementioned review I take exception to, compared to my Quentel Bible.The rich chocolate brown leather (which reminds me of a Hershey’s chocolate bar) — such a rich deep brown that it doesn’t look muddy or like black leather even in dark or poor lighting — is exactly to my taste. I am sure if it has an overcast stitching or not. I must say it exceeded my expectations and then some. These are best outtakes from my first year of filming Bible reviews. Nice large print, line matching, layout great. Flexible and melts in your hand. The cream color of the paper is also a nice tough and is comforting to the eyes. 2. Is there ghosting? I still love the ESV, but I hope that the NASB will regain some popularity. The print is very bold and large and the layout is perfect. The ribbons themselves look very similar to what Allan uses for its bibles. The paper is of a nice weight and the font is clear and easy to read. PS: The use of the Jerusalem Cross on the cover and spine looks fantastic. From the leather to the paper it is just as good as it gets. Single column and type set make this Bible an easy read. Love the purple, green, gold and brown silk ribbons for marking multiple places. by Frank Sanchez (5 Star), Really Nice! Love it. But, because this will last any child or beginner a lifetime I would add elements to help those new to the Word, like Thumb indexing and verse by verse format and either a one column format or in this two column format I would make the verse numbers in red like the Chapter numbers and make it a red letter edition. I would consider this to be on par with R.L. The layout was astounding because it was so readable. $200.00. What a beautifully made Bible. This video compares two premium Bibles from Schuyler and Cambridge. The cover just feels great, and the paper is of higher quality than my Cambridge bibles. It will see much use in my hands over the coming years. The Much Anticipated Schuyler Personal Size Quentel NASB Bible! Shop with confidence. Overall: Jason McCash (5 Star), It is big. The synthetic lining doesn’t detract at all from the beauty. I use a separate source for maps. Great Job Schuyler. The ribbons need touched up. It was quickly sent once in stock and I received it expediently. Many will include features of the particular Bible on the back, but Schuyler keeps it simple and it personally doesn’t bother me at all. The Bible is floppy to hold but light enough to carry with no problem. The very first fine Bible I got my hands on was the Schuyler Quentel NIV. Best Bible I ever owned & The quality to last a lifetime. Its’ balance, ease of handling and readability make it a joy to work with; whether at a desk, in a rocker or walking around. What really sets this bible apart is the rich dark text , very opaque paper and the unparalleled layout of the text. by Jonathan Cooper (5 Star), I have owned many high end bibles, the best of the best and this is a beautiful bible! I love the four different colored ribbons and used to admire this on the ESV Chocolate Allan Bibles. Thank you. Now I have a red one. The paper is high quality. I also love that the font is much bigger than the Cambridge Wide Margin bible. The ribbons are silver and blue and match the color scheme. Looking for new versions that are supposedly coming out in this same format. Unless something happens after I break it in fully which doesn’t seem to be a problem but I will advise if it does.
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