Gaming Streamer Programming Community Anime Roleplay Social Minecraft Chill Nsfw Furry Fun Music Roblox Memes Art Games Fortnite Hangout Pokemon. Discuss politics, political theory, or just chat. High Ping in Discord lower down the performance of Call, stream, and many other Discord features and while facing such issues you think why is my Discord Ping so high and how to reduce it.. 1,077 total . A very simple Discord bot for people who (somehow) like to be spammed with pings What does it do? Still going up too , New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Spam Pings . Suggested thread title edit: Remove user's permission to @ mention anyone. Still won't read them, There are people with just under 6 million pings uwu. Supports YouTube Livestreams and Premieres! Do you like sending pings and getting pongs? See all Discord reviews (2) 1 . However, when I tried to make a ping command (you know, the kind that says "Your ping is 137 ms"), I got numbers that didn't make sense.. Once the ping command has been run, the bot will ping you once every 1.5 seconds. A Discord resolver is a tool which uses an advanced state-of-the-art technology performing a packet interception scan method which scans to extract, decrypt and fetch IP addresses of users. Mizar is a next generation, easy to use and completely free general Discord bot that provides a variety of different features Magic8 20+ Languages, Entertainment, Minigames, Custom Trivia, Auto Voice Channels, Anti-Pings, Looking For Group Roles, Utility & More! however. The automoderator works by calculating a multiplicator, that represent how likely a user is there to spam. publishing a new video or going live. Notifications/"pings" for posting a new episode of your podcast! helu January 06, 2021 19:44; You should be able to make it so you can mute pings in DMs. You may not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights. -Lots of self assignable roles -Friendly staff and members -Lgbtq+ friendly. going live or posting a video. Most I've ever gotten, plan to keep it that way too. Slow notifications? As you can inspect element and change the number to anything you want, it'll be hard to confirm if anyone is telling the truth. Set messages to post at specific intervals. also get latencies. Let your community know about going live, uploading, posting and more. 45 Pings Per Minute, 2700 Pings Per Hour, And 64800 Pings After 24 Hours! Streamer Channel (Automated Notification & Live Role, while Live Streaming). Take a look at what Pingcord can do for you below! The powerful anti-spam has few false positives and detects almost all spam. Numbers such as -627 ms, 32 ms, 1001 ms, -10 ms, 238 ms.Basically anything and everything between -1000 and 1000. You've come to the right place! Why would people lie, it's annoying as fuck to have a shitload of unwanted pings, 999 on R6S (would have received more, but I think it must be the maximum display). Ping spikes or lagging spikes are the worst to experience when it comes to using your favorite application. Ratings & Reviews. .help - Shows the help message..pingpurge - Deletes the amount of pings for a certain user specified without triggering the bot..stats - Sends the statistics of the bot..setchannel - Set a channel for all ghost ping messages to be redirected to.Note: Requires Admin permissions..prefix - Set a guild specific prefix for the bot. Join Our Discord; Add Your Server; Advertise; Login; You must be logged in to upvote servers! All on time. You can do any sort of ping! EXTREMELY LONG UNICODE SPAM… Normally a ping will count the time it takes to send from A to B and back to A. Pings are never missed even during maintenance. Send xp or leaderboard to view stats. Simonly onbeperkt internet abonnementen! Installation. A Node.js repl by Unlisting. Details File Size: 2850KB Duration: 3.000 sec Dimensions: 480x336 Created: 4/3/2019, 1:45:47 AM I got you. Getting tired of seeing other bots detecting legit messages as spam? Suggested thread title edit: Remove user's permission to @ mention anyone. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! A Node.js repl by Unlisting. 3 Comments 3 comments. Sort by Date Votes. A powerful discord bot with a focus on Moderation, Server Security and more! It's annoying when I mute someone in a discord server in chat channels, but they proceed to spam ping me in DMs. Anime Channel (Automated Fastest & Latest Anime Links for Downloads from Multiple Sources). discord ping spam bot . Spam Pings . Notifications/"pings" for posting on your page, or going live. Join the Team! With powerful and easy-to-use message editor. & more to be implemented in the future. This will only get the time between the API and the bot. This server might ping more frequently then any other Discord Server Out there! 1,584 . Other . to social media and more, all on time? Bot for ping spamming someone. DiscordPinger. Reviews . Find Spam pings servers you're interested in, and find new people to chat with! Discord Mass Mentions Community This server allows you to spam ping literally anybody as much as you want without getting moderated. Notifications/"pings" for a wide range of actions on YouTube, including It took them 30 seconds to blast my DMs with something like 700 pings before I blocked them. Fully Automated And No User Interaction Required! Discord is a free software initially meant for gamers to create communities and play together. – Magnus Bull Feb 12 at 16:31 Where hanging out is easy. Umired January 06, 2021 19:53; Good idea. Edited on 2/17/2021 It's annoying when I mute someone in a discord server in chat channels, but they proceed to spam ping me in DMs. 2 reviews . text 0.36 KB . Login. Unlike the in-game chat that you use to stay in touch with your friends you do not need to launch your client or even be at your PC to chat with the other members or to get in touch with the staff! This repl has no description. Simyo; Telfort; Tele2; Ben; Youfone; T-Mobile; Robin Mobile; Home; Sim only onbeperkt bellen; Sim only abonnementen No comments yet Pingcord is a Discord ping bot that brings servers fully-customisable, reliable, prompt and rich pings for YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and many more. Press J to jump to the feed. Bumped 85 days ago . This allows for amazing command response times. Notifications/"pings" for posting on your Instagram account! You should be able to make it so you can mute pings in DMs. You may not spam Discord, especially our Customer Support and Trust & Safety teams. If you dont want to be angry of discord spam, just be here and then chill. Notifications/"pings" when a post has been made in a subreddit. No Intrusive Ads And Minimal Channels! Most I've ever gotten, plan to keep it that way too. Tired of unreliable sub boxes? The automoderator works by calculating a multiplicator, that represent how likely a user is there to spam. I sent a friend a text spam program on Skype years ago, it lets you insert any string of text, and then assign a delay, after which the program will auto type the text for you. Discord DM mute pings option. spam ; comedy ; ping ; spam-ping ; mass-mention ; Just spam ping here. The administration works very hard to bring you the best of a discord bot. ... Advanced Anti-Spam. Browse. We think so too, get started with Pingcord now. Using multiple data points, such as the Discord Nitro status of the user, the account age and how long ago the user joined, GetBeaned is able to have a pretty good estimate of the spam-potential of an user. 355 online . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 3.0. Dec 12th, 2019. Gaming Streamer Programming Community Anime Roleplay Social Minecraft Chill Nsfw Furry Fun Music Roblox Memes Art Games Fortnite Hangout Pokemon. Only works with accounts you have access to, due to Facebook privacy rules. r/discordapp: Discord is a free and secure all-in-one voice+text app designed for gamers that works on your desktop and phone. Discord high ping can be because of many reasons … Security Bot is in no way affiliated with Discord. 0. Especially to members with any Verified role and includes cross posting the same content into multiple channels. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So I recently decided to make a Discord bot, and had been going through some tutorials with no problem. Never . Find Spam pings servers you're interested in, and find new people to chat with! Dora-Sitkum RFPD Official website of the Dora-Sitkum rural fire department and community center. Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Details File Size: 6279KB Duration: 7.900 sec Dimensions: 498x278 Created: 7/10/2019, 5:03:17 PM keywords: discord spam bot invite,discord spam bot for pokecord,discord spam bot download,discord spam bot no download,discord spam bot online,discord spam bot 2018,discord spam bot 2019,discord spam bot 2020,discord spam bot 2021,discord spam bot python,discord spam bot github,discord spam bot android,discord spam bot apk,discord spam bot atma,discord anti spam bot,discord auto spam … Once the ping command has been run, the bot will ping … No comments yet Only works with Pages you have moderator access to, due to Facebook privacy rules. Browse. There are anti-spam measures in place to prevent xp farming. Finally, we ask that you respect Discord itself: You may not sell your account or your server. Press J to jump to the feed. 6) Circumventing rules is not allowed Pingcord is a Discord bot designed to quickly notify your community from a variety of sources. Help Each Other, Have Fun, Enjoy. Looking for a way to reliably let your Discord community know when you go live, post a video, post As your server’s members communicate, they gain xp. raw download clone embed print report --Note (only copy if its under the line!!) Discord outage, Internet connection and not having the closest server location are a few major reasons for Discord high ping.. I want to get the world record for most pings on a server. A very simple Discord bot for people who (somehow) like to be spammed with pings What does it do? Search. Anti-Selfbot. Note: The Discord API Max Pings the time of this writing is 9k+ notifications. pinging spam pings pings spam ping @everyone @here 100 million pings spam pinging spam ping community fun Give this server 25 gems for free! IRIS technology developed in-house uses multiple methods of ingesting data from services so that we receive data as quickly as possible. Full control over message embed fields available with Pingcord Premium. Any help is appreciated. Notifications/"pings" for tweeting, and Periscope support soon! Spam ping server . This includes sending unsolicited direct messages. Maybe a month after we both joined discord they started spamming a server of mine, so I kicked them. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call. extreme discord spam (2k characters) rexoris. Search. Wigans . Setup. Note: requires Admin permissions. Notifications/"pings" for a wide range of actions on Twitch, such as I have no sample code for that. Role System to Organize & Access & to Avoid Pings. Discord is a free to use team communication program. Maybe a month after we both joined discord they started spamming a server of mine, so I kicked them. You may not use self-bots or user-bots to access Discord. It took them 30 seconds to blast my DMs with something like 700 pings before I blocked them. discord ping spikes. There is a server I'm in where for some reason they think it's funny to constantly ping different roles, it normally has between three and five digit ping counts shown. You can do this once every 12 hours. Knowing the latency one way is still useful, however comparing it to other pings will be misleading. const client = new Discord.Client();; // Bot's ping to discord For user to bot, you simply send a message (with no extra variables, to keep the speed quick), then get the time the user sent their message and subtract that from the time the bot sent their message and display that. Currently my legitimate unread ping thread is 12K+ rn including dms and @ mentions. No worries. Sadly I don't have a later image of it, and I have since lost the ping streak, but there you go ::p, I've got 666 in one time. 5) Unsolicited pings or spam are not allowed. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. Interested in points and levelling systems? If you want to use DiscordPinger, you will need to rename config.js.example to config.js.. Then, open config.js and fill it with needed informations.. config.js: Create your Lifestyle Freedom. We have variety of Pokémon Bots & Games. This bot is hosted in the same region where the Discord API server is hosted. Within a few minutes they started a new line just for me, "@ace", and popped into my DMs. All you need to do, is install discord.js using npm i discord.js@11.4.2 or simply using setup.bat/ files.. Discord is a voice, video and text communication service to talk and hang out with your friends and communities. We do not tolerate intolerance. For more info call: +044 802 52578 or write on email: This repl has no description. Try pong! When you get yourself some smart application to use in peace, disruption of any kind can make things pretty much worse, well, ping … There are some people who abuse the @ mention to not ping roles or the dreaded @everyone, but specific users.The "Allow role to use @everyone" toggle is already there for users who abuse @everyone and "Allow users to @ mention this role" toggle exists, but what about "Allow user to @ mention … discord ping spam bot Uncategorized February 17, 2021 | 0 February 17, 2021 | 0 Source: I've gotten more in a group DM at least. Left centric but, open to different ideologies. Close. Using multiple data points, such as the Discord Nitro status of the user, the account age and how long ago the user joined, GetBeaned is able to have a pretty good estimate of the spam-potential of an user. From texting and talking through several channels, to … Joining spam ping everyone... Back to spam ping everyone . Within a few minutes they started a new line just for me, "@ace", and popped into my DMs. Not a member of Pastebin yet? We value and encourage free and intelligent discussion. I'm sure I've gotten more. @everyone spam, @here spam, @rank spam, @user spam, ghost pings, EXC. Your place to talk.
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