Gradle dependency ... And the content.html with the fragments you want to include based on the selected value: In the end though, you don't need to do any processing in your controller method, and instead can call your utility method straight from your template. One alternative solution would be to process the result in your controller, store the result to a model attribute, then use that result in the view. This article will walk you through all the necessary steps. Thymeleaf is a Java-based template engine used for processing HTML, XML, JS, and many other documents. The library offers you two dialects out-of-the-box: the Standard and the SpringStandard dialects, but you can easily create your own. In most cases the Command Object can be a simple POJO DTO, but using an object … hello Mkyong, can you post an … $.fn.mystyle = function( options ) { // default value var defaults={ textColor : "yellow" , textDeco : "underline", b, Snippet of HTML code I need to retrieve values from: