Jan 5, 2019 #4 BoydAllen said: Don't forget RCBS. I set the Lee dies for a pretty light kiss right on the rim (yeah, I know how that sounds); I *have* been known to fuck up a projectile or two by over crimping, but I'm always able to get them dialed in pretty quickly. Reply. forum.accurateshooter.com/threads/whidden-custom-vs-off-the-shelf-dies.3940204/, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 UBrowser/ Safari/537. Report Save. None better. Who else would like to see padom and milo actually at the bench next to one another at distance? I don't disagree that specialized equipment is most often worth the expense. That gives me 2 thou neck tension. Stay Connected . Right, that makes perfect sense. I used Redding dies for 30+ years without a problem. I thought my next set of dies might be Whidden but with all of the negative comments I've been seeing I have backed off. Deluxe 3 Die Set Includes: • Full Length Sizing Die • Neck Sizing Die • Seating Die. I don't give 2 shits if you anneal or repeat every step to the "T", it changes. Custom honed FL sizing dies are my favorite. Below in the video John Whidden tells you tighten the decapping assembly until it contacts the bushing then back it off 1/8 of a turn to allow the bushing to float. Okay so correct me if I am wrong, but if I were to use a Forster FLS die with the expander ball, the advantage to having the neck of the die honed to my spec is to reduce working of the brass? Click Adj. So what is the purpose of having a forster FL die honed out? Compare The Bonanza seater works great and I'm really happy with Redding. My personal preference has been the Redding dies. Founded by Frank Galli in 2014, Sniper’s Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to it’s users in one location. My new 6xc forster die is unhoned and sizes the neck down .010" smaller than a loaded round without the expander ball. They are still doing custom neck honing, only $12. ..i could care less what you or anyone else thinks of me or the data I provide to the forum. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I bought a Prazi press, half the reason was to use my thick Warner dies. I have no use what so ever for redding, RCBS, Lee, etc. Forster dies are relatively inexpensive so you can afford to have a couple of FL dies with necks honed to different diameters — such as 0.266″ and 0.267″ for a no-turn 6mmBR. Whidden Bushing Dies will accept Redding and L.E. share. Sign Up for Exciting Eblast™ Promotions Subscribe The Perfect Gift! This thread has been alive nearly a month, and we have a sample size thus far of 63 votes. I’m sure it has an effect but I can’t say how much. … I sent the die to Redding and they told me … I tend to favor Forster FL sizers and micrometer seaters for my precision stuff (regular Forster benchrest seaters for my hunting stuff), and I'm guessing that I'm about to get roasted, here, but Lee factory crimp dies, since the seaters that I use are all non-crimping. $238.00. 6,268 Posts . But hey thats just me. Whether you’re a hunter or a competition shooter Whidden Gunworks can manufacture Custom dies to your exact specifications and if needed can work with your gunsmith to ensure your dies are as accurate as your new rifle. level 1. One of the most frequent questions I get when the conversation turns to reloading is what bullet seating die I use. This thread has been alive nearly a month, and we have a sample size thus far of 63 votes. Silver $$ Contributor. 1shot. Reloading Dies. That clears up a lot. Dies That Work Best for the 6mm BR Now as to the 6mm BR, I don’t think there is a good standard die available for it. share. They make bushings. As the OP to the thread, I have gotten to watch the votes tally over the last month, and I found it interesting how the balance has shifted over the past month from the first week or so when public opinion was approximately 70/20/10 (Redding/Forster/Whidden), to now much more balanced between Redding/ Forster - 47/40/12 as of this post. We carry JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING by Whidden Gunworks. 1. So what is the purpose of having a forster FL die honed out? I really like the Redding dies personally. The die itself is fairly inexpensive — currently Sinclair Int’l charges $33.95 for a Forster 6mmBR full-length sizing die (item FP6BRFL). Yeah, I'm perfectly happy with both. Are you guys running into case separation issues often? The pin was not bent so the decapping rod appears to have been bent from the factory. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Their Expander mandrels (E26, E22) do not provide enough neck tension. Are they worth the extra $? 247 Posts . Has anyone used a honed FLS die without any type of expander ball or mandrel? When I can produce ammo with virtually no runout for all calibers I reload for and precision rifle ammo that shoots tiny little groups all day long then I feel no reason to neck turn or use bushing dies. I have other Redding sizing dies (non-competition) where the decapping pin scribes a circle if you rotate it in your hand. I use a 0.289 bushing for my 6.5mm Creedmoor (Hornady), and a 0.267 bushing for my 6mm Dasher (Lapua). My runout is less than .001, and I can tell the difference. Richard Coody. I'm surprised nobody mentioned Warner Tool Company dies, since the Warner die will not fit in my Forster Co-Ax, I gladly bought a dedicated press for a possibly the best die out there, what's another couple hundreds in our obsession, sickness and quest for perfection. Whidden Gunworks Large Bushing $ 46.00 Select options; Whidden Gunworks Standard Bushing $ 17.50 Select options; Pre-Selected Bushing Kits From: $ 80.00 Select options; You Pick Bushing Kit From: $ 80.00 Select options; Bushing Bundles . Some people do that, just a bushing with no expander. If using lapua brass its pretty consistent (.0005-.001" usually) so that would be a viable option, using rem brass I have variations of .002" from one side to the other in most pieces so just squeezing down from the outside only would leave the center that interfaces with the bullet nonconcentric. I've only used the RCBS Competition dies, the older Bonanza Benchrest dies and Redding. Jun 9, 2019 #7 All of the calibers that I compete with (5) are sized with Whidden f/L sizers w/bushing. Oh yeah, on a couple of my tight neck rifles I use Wilson dies and an arbor press. The Redding body die (photo top left) is an exception to this. 2. Yikes! We have 300 PRC reloading dies for sale, from great brands like Forster, Hornady, Lee, Lyman, RCBS, and Redding Reloading Products. Do the expander mandrels with titanium/ carbide mandrels require the use of any case lube as to not mare/gall the insides of the neck? With that said, the dies I use just happen to fit brass from my chambers, I’m using a Boyer #3 reamer. This is a con? They don't do full custom dies but they'll do stuff like neck honing or shortening one of their dies on a lathe. https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0007675446/6half-creedmoor-body-die, https://leeprecision.com/collet-neck-sizing-die-only-complete.html. On the other hand if for whatever reason you need to change your neck tension (how much you size the neck) you can do it with the Redding by changing bushings. You are using an out of date browser. Most over-resize the front portion of the case near the shoulder, and don’t resize the base of the case enough, if at all. Only saw one thread that mentioned Whidden Dies. Question: If the neck of my rifle's chamber is .XXX, May I select the desired bushing for my Whidden Bushing Die from this measurement? BoydAllen. They are a special packaging of our full length die, seating die with the addition of a neck (NK) sizing die. Midsouth Shooters is proud to offer Reloading Dies and Die Sets for the 224 Valkyrie, the NEWEST cartridge from Federal Premium. Are either going to make much of a difference if not shooting a trued, super awesome straight shooter (S.A.S.S.- ) … Threads like these make my head spin. I use a Forster FL die for my 308 with Lapua brass and have measured the inside of the neck and it measures 306. All the seating dies are Wilson arbor dies … So the expander mandrel way just doesn't work the brass as much, is that the benefit? share. X-47B J-III:XVI. Subtract .001”- .002” from the average neck diameter and this diameter bushing … I full length size and with the Redding’s and seat with Wilson dies. Everyone has their own method to their madness. Reply. Only saw one thread that mentioned Whidden Dies. You must log in or register to reply here. Gold $$ Contributor. Gold $$ Contributor. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jan 3, 2017. I do have bushing dies. The 224 Valkyrie offers as much as 127.88 inches less drop and 68.76 inches less wind drift at 1,000 yards when … Whidden is also supposed to be good but I've only tried their click adjust lock rings. Either a bushing change or collet die can control this. Reactions: Dub. Report Save. A honed neck IMO is good for a certain span of the brass life. Sniper’s Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. Shop a full line of Whidden Gunworks products at MidwayUSA. I use both Redding FL sizers and their bushing dies. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings. I use a Forster FL die for my 308 with Lapua brass and have measured the inside of the neck and it measures 306. I've tried a bunch over the years. If your wall thickness was consistent enough (I don't want to turn necks, so assume non-turned necks) would this yield good results? Subtract .001”- .002” from the average neck diameter and this diameter bushing … Everyone seems to talk about overworking their brass. At Whidden Gunworks we offer both Bushing and Non Bushing Dies. I can say that on the whole my 6.5Creedmoor Forster Micrometer Bench Rest seater consistently seats a Hornady 130gr ELDM with far less runout (1-2/1000 vs 5-6/1000) than my 6.5x55 Redding Competition Seater seats a 142gr Sierra Match King on the same Forster Coax press. I can say that on the whole my 6.5Creedmoor Forster Micrometer Bench Rest seater consistently seats a Hornady 130gr ELDM with far less runout (1-2/1000 vs 5-6/1000) than my 6.5x55 Redding Competition Seater seats a 142gr Sierra Match King on the same Forster Coax press. Honing it out .007 larger would allow me to size the neck down only .003 and then, when the expander ball comes back up through, open it up to .002. How to Determine Which Bushings You Need: The easiest way to determine the proper diameter bushing, is to measure the neck diameter of several loaded or dummy cartridges with an accurate micrometer. Reply. It seems like it would have similar results to using a bushing neck sizer in that you would control the OD of the neck, and the ID would be dependent on wall thickness. Some food for thought. But as you said it is dependant on thickness variations. I already own the bushings and the die (Whidden… Report Save. Whidden Bushing Dies will accept Redding and L.E. Yet in a world built on standardization... you won't often have luck enticing people to deviate from norms. But both work great. They make bushings. Sale! I'm sold, they are excellent. Shell Holder Sold Separately. Neck dies are not meant to bump the shoulder. Discussion Starter • #1 • Oct 19, 2010. Please read before using your sizer die. Thank you for the detailed information! This item is extremely nice product. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings. Or would it just be preferred to run it with the expander ball to control the ID? Or would it just be preferred to run it with the expander ball to control the ID? If you searching to test Whidden Vs Redding Dies And Barnes Xpb 115gr Hp price. Redding Deluxe Die Set for Bottleneck Cases - Deluxe die sets for bottleneck cases contain three dies. 1. That gives me 2 thou neck tension. It is not advised. I also have 21st century mandrels (TiN). It seems like it would have similar results to using a bushing neck sizer in that you would control the OD of the neck, and the ID would be dependent on wall thickness. Whidden Gunworks bushing dies will accept Whidden Gunworks, Redding and Wilson bushings. You can find Lee and rcbs dies if you look. 2 months ago. Buy Online keeping the car safe transaction. Bushing … I now need help figuring out what the hell expander mandrels and collet dies are. If you want maximum precision for your favorite rounds – including many wildcat rounds – you need the tools we build into each one. You will get Whidden Vs Redding Dies And Barnes Xpb 115gr Hp … And it is important, and can probably save some dollars in the long run, especially with annealing, but in the same token, the primer pockets are usually the limiting variable in my brass life. Shell Holder #10 / Item Number #RE11010. Just when I think I know what I'm doing (FL size with Redding s bushing die every time, and keep the expander ball-thingy on always), I see stuff about collet dies and expander mandrels, which I have no idea what they are! Yes, exactly. The Whidden dies are finished beautifully inside and out. And I always replace the Redding locking rings with the cross screw variety (Hornady usually) to save my die's threads. This issue can be minimized or resolved by neck turning. So lots of working of the brass but I’m still getting plenty of firings on brass. Whidden Gunworks reloading dies are the best way to be sure you are getting the most out of your time at the reloading bench. ... Reloading Dies & Accessories; Gunsmithing Fixtures; Glass Bedding; Shop All 22 in Whidden Gunworks Shop All 22 in Whidden Gunworks MidwayUSA Footer. So you were not able to bump the shoulder with a neck die? So am I correct in thinking that most folks are removing the decapping stem from aforementioned dies? Online Orders Only. I do not want to neck turn which is why I use Forster FL sizing dies. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. Custom Dies. Redding Type S Neck Bushing Die Set .22-250 Rem. Whidden Gunworks bushing dies will accept Whidden Gunworks, Redding and Wilson bushings. The Whidden sizer dies are smoother inside, made fully of steel, and run a little smaller at the cartridge base compared to the Reddings. How to Determine Which Bushings You Need: The easiest way to determine the proper diameter bushing, is to measure the neck diameter of several loaded or dummy cartridges with an accurate micrometer. My Redding sizing dies all seem a little rough on the inside compared to the Whidden's. Using the Forster FL sizing die with expander in gives you some of the least runout in any sizing die Ive tested. You will have to see what kind of neck tension that gives you or send them measurements to hone the die right from the get go. As far as the sizing dies go, the Forster sizes the neck all the way to the neck/shoulder junction while the Redding doesn't quite get there. May 13, 2017; Whidden FL Bushing Die Set vs. Redding Type S Competition (.308) Reloading/Ammunition. … Answer: NO. Wilson, Redding and Whidden should all interchange. Reactions: X-47B. When I had the 223AI chambered, after FFing using COW method and the first firing, I tried to resize with a Redding die, but I could not bump the shoulder. The 224 Valkyrie flattens the competition at 1,000 yards. If your wall thickness was consistent enough (I don't want to turn necks, so assume non-turned necks) would this yield good results? I have all 3 and use them in different dies. We would recommend this store to suit your needs. I like the concept of the Whidden … I found their Turning mandrels (T26 for 6.5 creedmoor, T22 for .223) provide .002 neck tension. John Whidden's Georgia-based company is producing outstanding full-length sizing dies and micrometer-top seater dies for 7/8-14 thread presses. I use normal factory sizers and they size the necks down .01 from a fired saami specd neck and open back up with the expander ball. Reactions: nmkid and X-47B. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. 2 months ago. I would prefer to get forster, but since they don't do the custom honing service these days I use whidden and replace the decapping stems with forsters decapper w/ high ball expander. There is a new player in the field of elite die-makers: Whidden Gunworks. Whidden Gunworks bushing dies will accept Whidden Gunworks, Redding and Wilson bushings. In my limited experience just so long as you do it the same way every time it doesn’t make any practical difference, just so long as you are consistent in the regimen. JavaScript is disabled. I’ve been using Redding bushing dies in my benchrest cartridges for about 7 years now and couldn’t be happier. Custom honed FL sizing dies are my favorite. In general, what is your preference in die manufacturer for higher end reloading dies and why? I have some Redding dies and really like them. The MSR 15 has never offered practical 1,000 yard performance until now. However, now shooting a 6mm Dasher, 6mm BR and a 223 AI, I had dies made by Whidden. All of the precision rifles built, whether competition, hunting or tactical, are made with the John’s expert knowledge and proven techniques to guarantee your rifle will be accurate. Has anyone used a honed FLS die without any type of expander ball or mandrel? If you are searching for read reviews Whidden Vs Redding Dies And Barnes Xpb 115gr Hp price. I have other Redding sizing dies (non-competition) where the decapping pin scribes a … Find 300 PRC Reloading Dies, and 300 Rem SA Ultra Mag Die Sets for sale here: Get the right 300 PRC Die or 300 PRC Die Set for your press here at Midsouth. I have no experience with Whidden bullet seating dies as I use Wilson dies to seat bullets with. May 8, 2020 #17 Gil P. said: I have been crushing cases while using the Whidden … Jan 5, 2019 #3 Don't forget RCBS. Traditional full length and bushing dies take the brass and squeeze it down more than optimal as the brass is pushed into the die, upon extraction the expander ball which previously went through the fired mouth without touching is dragged back through the oversized neck thus opening it back up to the proper internal dimension. level 1. The dies look great, work great, and produce very straight and accurate ammo. In reality, over the coarse of brass life, the properties of brass change, and the gripping power of the necks will be the first indicator. Meaning the honed die body would reduce my neck diameter just enough so that when the expander ball is pulled back through it will do minimal up-sizing of the neck diameter to result in the .002" that Forster advertises with their "EZ-out" expander ball? Good yes but worth more money, no. Had one die done earlier this year and have another die currently with them that should be back in a week or two. Whidden Gunworks builds custom rifles capable of dropping game at long range, winning national competitions or setting new records. Right, that makes perfect sense. Reactions: mikeinct, Rushty, Billy 30-06 and 2 others. If your using off the shelf target quality dies I haven’t found them to be any better than Redding or Forster. I could see no improvement when using the RCBS seater but I did like the window.
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